June 26 Board of Education meeting

Monday, June 26, 2023

Link to minutes

  • 6:30 p.m. – Entertain a motion to go into Executive Session
  • 7 p.m. – Regular meeting – Middle School Cafeteria

Scotia-Glenville Mission Statement

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to providing an environment which allows students to realize their full potential and thus prepares them for life in an ever-changing world. In the tradition of excellence, Board of Education, administration, staff, parents, business and community members will continue to ensure that our educational system fulfills the needs of our students.


Board call

  1. Roll Call:

    Bucciferro, Carbone, Frederick, Massaro, Orr, Talbot, K. Talbot

  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor for Board of Education Meeting

In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time at any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

  1. Superintendent’s Comments (Susan M. Swartz, Superintendent of Schools) – Recognition of David Bucciferro and Richard Frederick, Board of Education Members and Bruce Rowledge, Chief Inspector
  2. Resolution: Annual Organizational Meeting

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education adopt the following Resolution: Resolved, that the Annual Organization Meeting of the Board of Education of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District for the 2023-2024 school year be held on July 10, 2023, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria at the Middle School.

  1. Resolution: Increase Debt Services Reserve Fund

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution dated June 26, 2023, regarding the decrease in the undesignated fund balance (A909) by $111,703.72 and increase the Debt Service Reserve Fund (A884) by $111,703.72, as submitted.

  1. Resolution: Appoint Interim Administrator for the District

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated June 13, 2023, to appoint Robert Melia as per diem Interim Administrator for the District, commending July 1, 2023 through a date no later than June 30, 2024, as submitted.

  1. Resolution: Award Contract for 2021 Capital Improvement Project for Middle School and Glendaal Elementary Sitework to Adirondack Landscaping

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution regarding awarding the contract to Adirondack Landscaping in the amount of $78,200.00 for sitework at the Middle School and Glendaal Elementary School as part of the 2021 Capital Improvement Project, as submitted.

  1. Resolution: Accept Gift and Donationfrom Lincoln Elementary PTA to BOCES Arts in Education

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated June 21, 2023, regarding accepting and appropriating a gift and donation from Lincoln Elementary School PTA of $3,162.50 to General Fund Appropriation Account A211049401 BOCES Arts in Education, as submitted.

  1. Resolution: Accept Gift and Donation to be Applied to the Scotia-Glenville Nurses Scholarship Fund

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated June 20, 2023, regarding accepting and appropriating a gift and donation gathered from a district fundraiser of $300.00 to be applied to the Scotia-Glenville Nurses Scholarship, as submitted.

  1. Approve Memorandum of Agreement By and Between Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Scotia-Glenville Secretarial Association

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the corrected Memorandum of Agreement, dated June 6, 2023, by and between Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Scotia-Glenville Secretarial Association regarding a stipend for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $1,000.00 for Cynthia Dorazio, Executive Secretary I (Senior High School), in recognition of duties assumed for training of new staff in the High School Guidance Department, as submitted.

  1. Communications
  1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Nichole Evans, Special Education Teacher (Senior High School), effective c.o.b. August 29, 2023, with appreciation for her service to the district, as submitted.
  2. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Kathleen Stephenson (Zarou), Remedial/AIS Teacher (Glendaal Elementary), effective c.o.b. August 31, 2023, with appreciation for her service to the district, as submitted.
  3. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Erin Ferraro, 1st Grade Teacher (Glen-Worden Elementary), effective c.o.b. August 31, 2023, with appreciation for her service to the district, as submitted.
  4. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the request for an additional one-year leave of absence of Clara Bisaillon, Head Bus Driver (Transportation), effective c.o.b. August 31, 2023 through August 31, 2024, in order to continue in the provisional appointment of Transportation Supervisor, as submitted.
  1. Report of Superintendent
  1. Tenure Recommendations
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That Lesley Mulholland, professionally certified in English Language Arts, Grades 7-12, be granted tenure as an English Teacher, effective September 1, 2023.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That Stephanie Cook, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level III certificate, be granted tenure as a Teaching Assistant, effective December 4, 2023.
  1. Staffing
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the one-year leave appointment of Madison Popolizio, Social Studies Teacher (Senior High School), effective September 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, with 2023-2024 salary to be at the rate of $49,169 (Step 3 +M). Popolizio has initial certification in Social Studies 7-12.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education retroactively approve Gary Barden as Distance Learning Regents Review Supervisor for five hours at the rate of $28.00/hour.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the list of additional employees and their rate of pay for summer curriculum work for each full day of service this summer, as submitted.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Candi Bordell and Christina Lipp for up to 4 summer days at 1/200th of their 2022-2023 annual salary for each full day of service as NYSITELL Administration and INL Initial Identification.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Brooke Haviland and Sarah Appell as teaching staff for the 2023 Learning Leaps Program, effective July 17 through August 10, 2023, Monday through Thursday, half days, with salary to be at the rate of $33.95/hour.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in building appointment for Sarah Tibbetts as Special Education Teacher from Glen-Worden Elementary to Glendaal Elementary, effective September 1,
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in appointment for Pamela Bemis as Teaching Assistant from .50 Middle School/.50 Senior High School to 0 Senior High School, effective September 1, 2023.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the probationary appointment of Kaila DiCaprio as Teaching Assistant (.60 Senior High School/.40 Middle School), effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027, with 2023-2024 salary to be at the rate of $18.84/hour, 7 hours/day, 35 hours/week.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the probationary appointment of Lisa Smith as Teaching Assistant (Lincoln Elementary School), effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027, with 2023-2024 salary to be at the rate of $18.84/hour, 7 hours/day, 35 hours/week.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in hours for the following Transportation Department employees, with no change in hourly rate, effective June 8, 2023:
John (Jack) Martin  from 5.00 hours/day to   5.50 hours/day
Matthew Dolen                              from Temp 5.00 hours/day to   Daily 5.00 hours/day
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Ryan LaPoint as substitute Teaching Assistant effective June 14, 2023.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Joanne Krazit as a 2023 ESY substitute Teaching Assistant and ESY substitute Teacher
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following teachers for the APEX Summer School 2023 Credit Recovery Program for the period of July 11, 2023 through August 15, 2023:
Course Teacher Units Step Salary
APEX Teacher Mary Schmidt (APEX supervising teacher) Up to 6.0 hours per day; up to 13 days $25.00/Per Hr. $2,100.00
APEX Teacher Gary Barden (APEX supervising teacher) Up to 6.0 hours per day; up to 22 days $25.00/Per Hr. $3,300.00
TA: APEX Mindy Kinney Up to 4.5 hours per day; up to 22 days 17.94/Per Hr. $1,776.06
TOTAL: $7,176.06


  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following individuals for 2023-2024 Seasonal Supplemental Help (Buildings and Grounds), in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations, with the 2023-2024 salary rate to be in accordance with the current Local 766 contract, for the period of July 10, 2023 through August 25, 2023:
    • Gretchen Bonk
    • Nancy Coope
    • Marilyn Fuller
    • Matthew Malone
    • Nathaniel Perkins*
    • Samuel Perkins*

*This appointment is conditioned on the school district’s receipt of clearance for the employee from the State Education Department following a criminal history records check in accordance with the provision of Education Law §3035. 

  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the corrected start date for staff and students for the 2023 Secondary Summer School from July 11, 2023 to July 10, 2023.
  • Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Summer Transportation Staff, as submitted.
  1. Routine Business
  1. Placement of Children with Disabilities
  2. Internal Claims Auditor’s Report/Warrants/Warrant Report Exception

Payroll Warrants

#68 6/16/2023 $3,543,704.56

Check Warrants

A-62 5/15/2023 $979,025.44
A-64 6/02/2023 $1,145,090.81
H-17 6/02/2023 $250,355.15
  1. Other Business
  2. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor

In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time at any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

The Board may adjourn to Executive Session in order to discuss matters relating to personnel and/or negotiations.


PDF of minutes

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