Budget & Taxes

Budget & Taxes News

TONIGHT 8/12: BOE Meeting

Monday, August 12 at 7 p.m.—The Scotia-Glenville Central School District Board of Education will have a regular meeting in the Middle School Cafeteria. The meeting...

School budget vote and Board of Education election results from May 21, 2024

Budget – Passed

# of yes – 851
# of no – 265
# of total 1,116
Percentage of 76%

Board of Education Candidates

Dave Massaro – 572
Hal Talbot – 695
Chad Roberts – 624

#2 Bus Prop – Passed

# of yes – 841
# of no – 277
Total votes – 1,118

#3 Electric Bus Prop – Passed

# of yes – 629
# of no – 469
Total votes – 1,098

#4 Capital Improvement – Passed

# of yes – 869
# of no – 231
Total votes – 1,100


Proposed Budget: $65,085,194
Spending Increase: $2,125,612 or 3.38%
Tax Levy Increase: $919,347 or 2.83%
Budget information packet for 2024-25, click here

Proposition 2: Bus Purchases – The anticipated purchase of three new buses in the amount of
$329,000, would also be presented to the community with no additional cost due to payoff of old debt.

Proposition 3: Electric Bus Proposal – An electric bus proposal, again, at no increase to tax levy, is
contingent on receipt of state or federal funding to offset purchase.

Proposition 4: Building Project – The proposed $12.5 million building proposition will have no
additional tax impact for voters. The project will focus on safety and other necessary upgrades to
buildings throughout our six schools, and will be funded through building aid, capital reserve funds,
and a drop-off of debt from previous projects.

Residents will also have the opportunity to select candidates for two open seats on the Board of
Education. The BOE candidates will be in this order on the ballot based on a random drawing: David Massaro, Harold “Hal” Talbot, and Chad Roberts. Read the candidates bios, here.

2024-2025 preliminary budget discussions

  1. Building Proposition
  2. School Bus Proposition
  3. Tax Cap Calculation

Process calendar for 2024-2025 budget

Month of January: Departmental discussions on budgets

February 12: Two Public Hearings – tax exemptions for senior citizens and first responders.
Presentation of State Aid for 24/25 budget, Carry-Forward Update, First Tax Cap Discussion, Bus Proposition discussion

February 26: (no quorum -agenda moved to 3/1/24) Special Meeting- 1st draft Carry-Forward Budget, Board decision on Tax cap

March 1: Property Tax Cap Reports Due – Petitions for BOE Seats Available in Business Office

March 4: Budget Work Session – 1st draft of Recommended Budget, Contingency Budget

March 11: Budget Work Session

March 18: Budget Work Session– Resolution for Legal Notice for Annual District Election, Bus Prop Possible Adoption of Budget

March 25: Public Forum on Building Proposal and Budget Work Session
Regular Board Meeting -Final Date for Adoption of Budget Property Tax Report Card due w/in 24 hours of budget adoption Appoint Chairperson, Chief Inspector, Inspectors and Assistant Clerks for Annual District Election.

School board approves budget proposal for 2024-25 school year
On March 25, the school board approved a budget for the 2024-25 school year. The $65,085,194 proposal maintains all current programs and services for students and preserves critical health and safety features of the current budget, including cyber security, two school resource officers, an athletic trainer, and increased mental health services. 

The proposed spending plan increases by 3.38% or $2,125,612 from the current year, and includes a tax levy increase of 2.83% or $919,347. With an estimated tax rate increase of 1.92%, the tax bill on a $160,000 home would increase by an estimated $74.40 per year or $6.20 per month before STAR.

Ballot Measures
In addition to the 2024-25 budget, voters will also be asked to decide on three other propositions. 

    1. A $12.5M building proposition – with no increase to 2024-25 tax levy due to the debt falling off, new building aid funds, and a debt service reserve the district set aside. This capital project was presented at the January 22 Board of Education meeting. It proposes safety and other necessary upgrades to our buildings throughout our six schools.
    2. The anticipated purchase of three new buses in the amount of $329,000 – with no increase to 2024-25 tax levy. Going forward, the new debt would be offset by the payoff of old debt.
    3. An electric bus proposal – with no increase to 2024-25 tax levy – contingent on receipt of state or federal funding to offset purchase

April 5: April 8 First Legal Notice

April 22: Deadline for petitions turned into Business Office

April 23: Drawing for ballot positions

April 26: Military Ballots mailed

April 17: Special Board Meeting (BOCES budget vote)

May 8: Public Hearing and Meet the Candidate Night

May 10: Last day to register to vote with the County

May 14: Last day to request an absentee ballot or early ballot be mailed

May 15: Budget Notice Mailed

May 20: Last day to request an absentee ballot in person

May 21: Annual School Budget Vote and Board of Education Candidate Election
5:00 p.m.
deadline for receipt of absentee ballots

Look back: 2023-24 Budget snapshot

Approved Budget: $62,959,582
Spending Increase: $2,684,633 or 4.45%
Tax Levy Increase: $941,814 or 2.99%

Voters approve budget and elect three members for school board

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 polls were open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. for Scotia Glenville residents to vote on the 2023-24 school budget, bus proposition, and three open seats on the Board of Education.

Voters approved the district’s proposed $62,959,582 budget for the 2023-24 school year by a margin of 823-223; and elected Karnjit Singh (678 votes), Kimberly Boucher Furnish (695 votes), and incumbent Pamela Carbone (629 votes) to serve three-year terms on the Board of Education. 80% of voters also approved a proposition to purchase one 72-passenger school bus, one 57-passenger bus with wheelchair capacity, and one Suburban.

Because the proposed tax levy increase of 2.99% or $941,814 meets the district’s allowable limit under the state’s property tax cap law, a simple majority vote (50% plus one vote) was needed to approve the budget. The budget proposal was approved by 79% of voters.

2023-24 school budget votes

  • Out of 1,046 votes cast, 823 voted to approve a budget of $62,959,582 for the 2023-24 school year.

Bus proposition votes

  • Out of 1,046 votes cast, 836 voted in favor of purchasing one 72-passenger school bus, one 57-passenger bus with wheelchair capacity, and one Suburban for $415,000.

School board election votes

There were four candidates running for three open seats on the Board of Education.

Out of the 2,626 votes cast for board members:

  • Karnjit Singh received 678 votes and will serve his first three-year term on the BOE starting July 1, 2023.
  • Kimberly Boucher Furnish received 695 votes and will serve her first three-year term on the BOE starting July 1, 2023.
  • Incumbent Pamela Carbone received 629 votes and will serve her tenth three-year term on the BOE starting July 1, 2023.
  • Incumbent Richard Frederick received 614 votes and will finish his first term serving on the BOE on June 30, 2023.

Who can vote?

Community members who are U.S. citizens may vote in the school elections if they:

  • Have been a resident for at least 30 days before the May vote;
  • Are at least 18 years old.

The district uses registration books from the Schenectady County Board of Elections. If you are not registered, you may vote by showing an official proof of residency.

Ability to vote by mail or in person


Can I mail my ballot?

Residents who are disabled, hos­pitalized or out of town on the day of the school budget vote may cast absentee ballots. They are available at the Scotia-Glen­ville business office, 900 Preddice Parkway (end of Lark Street), Scotia. (518) 347-3600, ext. 73102

Absentee voters must first complete an application to vote and then com­plete the ballot itself.

In addition, the new Early Mail Voter Act, effective January 1, 2024, allows for early voting via mail without any reasons needed for voting early. You must fill out an application to vote by early voting or absentee ballot. There are separate applications for voting by early voting or absentee ballot, but the application process and deadlines are the same for both.

What if the budget were defeated?

If the school budget were defeated once, it could be amended and a second vote scheduled. If the budget were defeated twice, the Board of Education must adopt a contingency budget – meaning the tax levy would be the same as the current year’s tax levy.

How does the state’s STAR program affect my tax bill?

The New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR), which applies only to primary residences, is paid by the state to the school district and is not administered by Scotia-Glenville.

There are two STAR programs: an older program reduces the STAR amount directly from school tax bills in September; the newer program sends the STAR amount to homeowners as a rebate check in the fall.

Basic STAR

The STAR program in 2022-23 would reduce school tax bills in Glenville by an estimated maximum of $596 for Basic STAR recipients. Property owners with incomes below $250,000 are eligible for Basic STAR.

Enhanced STAR

For property owners who receive the Enhanced STAR deduction, the Glenville reduction in 2022-23 would be an estimated maximum of $1,199. Enhanced STAR is for property owners over age 65 with incomes of less than $92,000.