S.A.I.L. program

For more information about the S.A.I.L. program, please contact the Middle School guidance office at 518-347-3600 ext. 53100

WHAT IS S.A.I.L. (Students Active In Learning)?

S.A.I.L. is a program designed to assist students who are struggling with being successful in school. Parents, teachers, and counselors all recognize the potential of these students, yet for various reasons, their potential is not being reached.

S.A.I.L. targets certain areas of weakness and focuses on supporting those areas. The program is designed to:

  • Motivate Students ( meet goals = participation in field trips, additional activities and celebrations)
  • Positive Adult Contact
  • Develop Positive Self-Concept
  • Increase Academic Achievement
  • Develop Independent Work Skills
  • Assistance with Organizational Skills and Consistent Feedback
  • Increase Students Sense of Responsibility and Respect

The foundation of the S.A.I.L. Program rests on the belief that if you want to be successful at anything, it is much easier if you master the following:

  • Goal Setting
  • Taking Responsibility
  • Being Organized
  • Working Hard


A very small number of students are referred to the S.A.I.L. Program through collaboration between teachers, counselors, social workers, and administrators.

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Student attends school regularly.
  • Parents will support staying after school if homework is not current.
  • Student struggles with taking responsibility and organization.
  • Student is performing below ability level.
  • Student has few disciplinary problems.
  • Student shows willingness to do better.
  • Student responds to structure.

Students who seem willing to make changes and “buy into” the program are considered strong candidates.

Two of the most important components include:

  • Parental support of the program
  • Student willingness to participate


Students enrolled in the S.A.I.L. Program are part of a team just like all other students in the building. The only difference is that students enrolled in the

S.A.I.L. Program work with another adult called a “S.A.I.L. coach” who acts as a mentor to the students. Homework and organization are monitored through the agenda. Coaches maintain a record of all homework assignments and homework completion, proper agenda book use, and preparedness for class. Individual attention during tutorial will also be provided to ensure that assignments are written in the agendas and to give academic assistance.

S.A.I.L. Coach Summary:

  • Assists with homework check in.
  • Records all homework assignments/homework completion.
  • Monitors proper agenda book use.
  • Monitors preparedness for class.
  • Monitors participation in class.
  • Contacts parents if students are required to stay after school (2:20 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.).
  • Works with students after school.
  • Mail/email progress report to parents.
  • Schedule parent conferences as needed to inform student progress.


The assessment tools for students are:

  • A daily record of points earned which will be totaled at the end of each week.
  • Student progress is monitored for homework completion each morning.
  • S.A.I.L coaches fill out a daily log sheet to track skills.
  • Academic grades and behavior reports.

Students may be in the program for the full year. However, if a student is not meeting the contract requirements, which includes staying after school as needed, s/he may be placed on academic probation. If a student displays chronic misbehavior and/or does not attend three required after school sessions, s/he will be on probation. A fourth skipping of after school sessions or continued misbehavior will result in the student being removed from the program.

Please note, the S.A.I.L. Program is not an after-school tutoring service. The goal of the program is for students to have all work completed on time, therefore they will not have to stay after school.