Chalk art draws attention to kindness

sidewalk chalk drawing in blue, orange, purple, green, pink, white, and yellow. There's a smile face and the words It's cool to be Kind October is National Bullying Awareness Month.

There’s a lot that happens in our schools and our society that could benefit from a little kindness.

The goal of the Kindness in Chalk Movement is to combat bullying with the most valuable virtue of all – KINDNESS.

On Kindness in Chalk day, the leaders of the middle school’s anti-bullying initiative—No Place For Hate—Student Council, and the PRIDE Club invited students and teachers to work together to cover the sidewalks of their school with positive words, phrases, quotes and images that speak of love, peace, hope and acceptance with the intention of bringing smiles to the faces that need it the most.

words written in pink, orange, and purple chalk saying, Life's way too short to be grumpy