Annual Notifications

These notices are required to be made by the school district. They are printed or posted in other locations, in addition to this website. Click on the links in “More Information” to go to that notice immediately.

If you have any problem accessing the PDFs on this page, please contact Julia Lilkendey at 518-347-3600 ext. 7111 or

Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)

New York State Education Law requires each classroom teacher and school principal to receive an annual professional performance review (APPR) that results in a composite effectiveness score and rating. All parents/guardians have the right to obtain the APPR quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once they are available. To initiate this request, please contact Superintendent Susan Swartz at or 518-347-3600 ext. 7101.

American Rescue Plan (ARP-ESSER) details

Here are the details regarding how Scotia-Glenville plans to spend the $2,529,664 in funding allocated by the federal American Rescue Plan:

For more information, visit the Reopening Plan page and the ARP-ESSER page.

Abuse: New York State Child Abuse Hotline

If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at 

Asbestos Management Plan

As required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 1989, the Scotia-Glenville Central School District has kept Asbestos Management Plans for the district. The asbestos management plans are on file in each principal’s office and collectively at the Buildings and Grounds office. The records are available for review during normal business hours.

As required, periodic surveys are conducted every six months. The next three-year reinspection is required to be performed by July 2025.

*Currently, there are no projects scheduled that will disturb asbestos-containing building material. 

For more information, contact Peter Zwack, LEA Designee, at (518) 382-1294/(518) 347-3600.

BMI/Weight Status Category Reporting

New York state requires schools to track each student’s body mass index (BMI) and weight status category as part of school health examinations. Every year, the New York State Department of Health surveys some schools for the number of students in each weight status category. If Scotia-Glenville CSD is surveyed by the state, the district will share summary group data only and will not share summary group calculations. In order to opt out of the sharing of this data, parents/guardians must submit this form to their school building nurse. 

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New York state requires tackle football programs to provide information about concussions and sub-concussive blows, and the injuries that might occur as a result of such blows, to the parents/guardians of all children participating in tackle football programs. The Scotia Glenville School District is providing the following materials on the Athletics page so that you are aware of the risks of concussion and other brain injuries.

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Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

a sample page of the DASA brochure The Board of Education of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District recognizes the importance of having a learning environment that is safe and supportive for each student and staff member. Such an environment, which has a positive impact on a student’s ability to learn and achieve at his or her highest level, is compromised by incidents of harassment, bullying and discrimination, including but not limited to cyber-bullying, bullying and discrimination and will foster civility in the schools to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with the district’s educational mission.

Here is the board policy about DASA.

Here is the harassment and/or bullying complaint form needed to file a DASA incident.

At least one employee at each school will be designated as the Dignity Act Coordinator in accordance with this policy.

The Scotia-Glenville Dignity Act Coordinators are:

Here is the parent brochure about DASA.

Districtwide School Safety Plans

The Scotia-Glenville CSD has developed a District-wide School Safety Plan and confidential Building-level School Safety Plans for each building as required by New York State Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (S.A.V.E.) Law. This law requires the district to annually provide written information to all students and staff about emergency procedures. As required, the District-wide School Safety Plan was originally submitted to the New York State Education Department in June 2001. Each confidential Building-level Emergency Response Plan was originally submitted to the local police and New York State Police in June 2001.

The District-wide School Safety Team annually reviews the District-wide School Safety Plan. The Building-level School Safety Teams annually review the confidential Building-level Emergency Response Plans. All updates are approved by the board of education prior to resubmitting them to the New York State Education Department and the local police and New York State Police respectively.

The district will provide training throughout the year and will conduct at least twelve fire drills and conduct a district-wide drill to test sheltering plans and/or early dismissal. Tabletop exercises are also conducted to test the building-level teams’ procedures and ability to respond to various emergency situations.

For more information concerning the District-wide School Safety Plan, please contact the district’s Emergency Coordinator, Susan Swartz, Superintendent of Schools, at (518) 382-1215/347-3600.

More information about the District Safety Plan is available here.

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Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act

The goal of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention Act (also known as the Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act) is to promote safe interscholastic athletics and to prevent incidents of SCA in student-athletes.

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart suddenly stops beating. When that happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. If it is not treated, SCA usually causes death within minutes. But quick treatment with a defibrillator may be lifesaving.

What are the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest?

Warning signs and symptoms can appear up to two weeks before cardiac arrest takes place. Chest pain is most commonly reported by men, while women commonly report shortness of breath. You may also experience unexplained fainting or dizziness, fatigue or a racing heart –

The law requires districts to provide information to parents/guardians of student-athletes prior to the student’s participation in any interscholastic athletics. The law also requires coaches to hold a valid certificate of completion of a first aid knowledge and skills course offered by a nationally recognized organization.

Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) notification

The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows schools to disclose, without parental consent, certain “directory information” such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in athletics, honors and awards, photograph and dates of attendance, unless parents have advised the district to the contrary.

The primary purpose of “directory information” is to allow Scotia-Glenville to include this type of information in school publications (Tartan Report and school newsletters) and for publicity of student accomplishments or specific educational programs to the digital (television/websites) and print (newspapers) media.

Examples of when the district may include directory information include graduation programs, honor roll and other recognitions, the annual yearbook, sports activity sheets, a theatrical playbill, a district or school newsletter and in a story being covered by the media.

In practice, Scotia-Glenville has historically released only a student’s name, grade, honors, awards and photographs in publications and to the media. Other directory information is not routinely released.

A similar procedure regarding the release of information on the school district website is in place.

“Opt-out” Procedure

Parents not wishing information about their child to be used in either district publications or in release to the electronic or print media should write a letter to the principal of their child’s school. The signed and dated letter should state that “directory information” about (name of student) should not be released under FERPA. You do not need to give a reason.

This letter must be sent annually by Oct. 1.

Fire Inspection Reports

Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection of the school buildings of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein, has been completed and the report thereof is available at the district office of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District, 900 Preddice Parkway, Scotia, NY 12302 for inspection by all interested persons.

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Fiscal Transparency Documents

Scotia-Glenville CSD’s documents on fiscal transparency can be found at the following locations:

ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Fiscal reporting

NYSED Fiscal Transparency Report

For more information, visit the Budget & Taxes page.

Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Laws

The Freedom of Information Law reaffirms your right to know how your government operates. It provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. The law preserves the Committee on Open Government, which was created by the enactment of the original Freedom of Information Law in 1974.

Scotia-Glenville adheres to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and Open Meetings Law. Both laws are administered by the New York State Committee on Open Government, an agency that is part of the New York State Department of State. 

For access to Scotia-Glenville School records under New York state’s Freedom of Information Law, please submit a letter to District Clerk Roberta “Bobbie” DeLong. A detailed process to to request information and what to expect can be found in this link.

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Idling School Buses on School Grounds

State law requires school districts to take steps to minimize the idling of the engines of school buses and other school vehicles on school grounds. While students are boarding and departing school buses, the engine should be turned off. Students should be instructed about the importance of getting on and off buses in an orderly and efficient fashion to minimize loading and unloading time. Bus engines should also be off while parked at sporting events and other school activities. Exceptions to this “no idling” policy can be made in cases of emergency, mechanical issues or for necessary heating.

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Instructional Technology Plan

View Scotia-Glenville’s Instructional Technology Plan page by clicking here.

Immunization and Physical Exam Requirements

Education Law requires that all students entering grades 2, 4, 7 and 10, as well as ALL new students entering any grade, must have a physical examination.

The exam is considered valid if the date of the exam is within ONE YEAR prior to the start of the school year in which the physical exam is required. This may be done by the family doctor or school physician.

All parents of Scotia-Glenville students are reminded of immunization requirements for school entry. Children must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chicken pox), measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B. A record of immunizations, signed by the health care provider, is required for registration.

For the most recent immunization requirements, check out the Health Offices page.

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Opportunities for Advanced Coursework

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is required to inform students and parents/guardians of advanced coursework available to them. Please visit the Advanced Placement page for more information regarding this topic.

Scotia-Glenville Internet User Policy

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides students and staff (users) with access to the Internet as a learning tool. This electronic communications network gives users an opportunity to explore a diverse and unique pool of information.

Utilizing this network in a school setting allows users of all ages to research information related to their classes, participate in innovative educational projects, and develop personal skills needed to communicate with others in the global community.

The students and staff utilize the Internet as an instructional tool in grades K-12. The following list highlights examples of the current Internet usage in our schools:

  • Searching for information to support research projects for classes
  • Collecting and analyzing information for exchanges with other classes
  • Evaluating websites for accuracy of content and bias
  • Utilizing interactive simulations
  • Participating in enrichment activities
  • Researching current events and developments

The staff guides and supports students in developing skills and behaviors needed to properly use the Internet. In addition to staff supervision, the school district network is equipped with software directed at preventing students from accessing illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive resources.

However, the content of the Internet changes on a daily basis and, even with these safeguards, by chance or determination a user may be exposed to inaccurate or inappropriate information. Students, parents/guardians, staff, and administrators must form a partnership to promote responsible educational use of the Internet.

Federal and State laws as well as Scotia-Glenville Board of Education policies outline the responsibility and govern the appropriate use of the Internet and the school district network. Scotia-Glenville staff will teach and clarify appropriate use standards to students. If a student violates acceptable use of the Internet by engaging in any of the following actions, he or she will face the consequences as outlined in the District Code of Conduct.

  • Sending or receiving offensive language or graphics
  • Violating copyright laws
  • Utilizing another user’s password
  • Attempting to harm or destroy the equipment or data of any user or organization
  • Posting defamatory or slanderous statements
  • Engaging in unauthorized access of data or transfer of files
  • Using Internet access for non-educational purposes.

Internet access is an important privilege to aid in the educational process and to help prepare our students for their roles in the 21st century.

It is our intention to provide this access for all of our students unless parents or guardians indicate that they would rather their children not have this opportunity. In that case, please send to the principal a short letter indicating that your child should not have Internet access during this school year.

Please review this correspondence with your child. Thank you for helping to effectively extend our school-community partnership into the area of technology and the Internet.

Lead Testing

State law requires school districts to sample all water outlets currently or potentially used for drinking or cooking purposes in buildings that may be occupied by students and to submit those samples to a state-approved lab for analysis. Testing last took place on January and February 2021 and must be completed every three years thereafter, unless the state Commissioner of Health requires testing sooner.

The state established an action level of 0.005 milligrams of lead per liter. If a sample from a water outlet exceeds this level, schools must take steps to prevent the use of the outlet for drinking or cooking purposes until it is remediated and follow-up testing confirms it is no longer above the action level.

School districts are required to report the results of all water testing to the state Department of Health, the state Education Department and the local health department, and to post the results — along with remediation plans, if required — on the official district website. Click this link to read our results. 

MS-4 Stormwater Management

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District has implemented  a Stormwater Management Plan in order to protect New York State’s lakes, rivers, and tributaries from pollutants carried by rain, snow melt runoff, or storm water runoff.

Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that doesn’t soak into the ground but runs off into waterways. It flows from rooftops, over paved areas and bare soil, and through sloped lawns while picking up a variety of materials on its way.

As it flows, stormwater runoff collects and transports soil, animal waste, salt, pesticides, fertilizers, oil and grease, debris and other potential pollutants. The quality of runoff is affected by a variety of factors and depends on the season, local meteorology, geography and upon activities which lie in the path of the flow.

As part of the school’s program, the school will implement construction standards to prevent run-off, engage in public education and outreach, identify and eliminate unnecessary sources of stormwater runoff, and review pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices in the district.

How can you help? Find out here.

The district plan is available for public review at the district office, or maybe be reviewed online here.

More information can be obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation at

The district’s Stormwater Coordinator is Mark Cary, Senior Groundskeeper. He can be contacted at (518) 382-1294 or

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New York State Report Cards

New York State Education Law requires school districts to make report card and accountability report information available on district websites. Click this link to to view the NYSED page containing the Scotia-Glenville district’s report card.

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Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security (2014) and Ed Law 2D

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to ensuring student privacy in accordance with local, state and federal regulations and district policies. To this end and pursuant to U.S. Department of Education regulations, the district is providing the following Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.

Parents’ Right to Know

In accordance with ESEA Section 1111(h)(6) PARENTS RIGHT-TO-KNOW, the Scotia­-Glenville Central School District is notifying every parent of a student in a Title I school that you have the right and may request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher. This information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers including, at a minimum, the following:

  1. Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
  2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
  3. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
  4. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

If at any time your child has been taught for four (4) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher not highly qualified, the school will notify you.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the district superintendent, Susan M. Swartz, at the following phone number (518) 382-1215/(518)347-3600 ext. 71101.

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Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is taking an aggressive, yet precautionary, approach to dealing with pesticides in and around its schools.
The development and implementation of the district’s integrated pest management (IPM) program is the key in achieving pesticide use reduction while providing effective and economical pest control.

Any public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school that decides to use a pesticide product as a last resort in addressing a pest problem must comply with the Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law (section 409-h of the Education Law) .

This notice is to inform all parents, guardians, and staff that pesticide products may be used periodically throughout the school year. Any parents, guardians and staff who wish to receive a 48-hour written advanced notice from the schools of an actual pesticide application should contact Peter Zwack at (518) 382-1294/347-3600.

New York State Education DepartmentProcedural Safeguards Notice

Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Ages 3-21

As a parent, you are a vital member of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) in New York State.

The CSE/CPSE is responsible for developing recommendations for special education programs and services for your child. You must be given an opportunity to participate in the CSE/CPSE discussion and decision-making process about your child’s needs for special education.

The following information concerns procedural safeguards that are your legal rights under federal and state law to be informed about and involved in the special education process and to make sure that your child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

A copy of this procedural safeguards notice must be provided to you one time a year and:

  • upon initial referral or your request for an evaluation of your child.
  • whenever you request a copy.
  • upon receipt of the first due process complaint in a school year requesting mediation or an impartial hearing.
  • the first time in a school year when the school district receives a copy of a State complaint that you submitted to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
  • when a decision is made to suspend or remove your child for discipline reasons that would result in a disciplinary change in placement.

The Procedural Safeguards Notice has been adapted from the model form developed by the United States Department of Education (USDOE). Information was added regarding New York State’s requirements.

Read the Procedural Safeguard Notice

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Pupil Personnel Services

Preschool children with disabilities

The District Committee on Preschool Special Education is responsible for ensuring that parents are aware of the opportunities available for evaluation of children ages 3 to 5 who are suspected of having a disability and for services to children with disabilities. The committee consists of representatives from preschool special education agencies, county administrators, parents and the district. All recommendations for services are made to the board of education.

For more information, contact Pupil Personnel Services at (518) 382-1285/518-347-3600 ext. 74103.

Students with Disabilities

All recommendations for placement of students with disabilities are made to the board of education by the District Committee on Special Education. Local programs and local schools are used whenever possible to meet the child’s educational needs. Members of the Committee on Special Education include the director of Pupil Personnel Services, a district psychologist, speech therapists, special education teachers, parent representatives and the school physician when requested.

For more information, call Pupil Personnel Services at (518) 382-1285/(518) 347-3600 ext. 74102.

Parents of a child with disabilities who reside in the district and who are interested in serving on the CPSE or the CSE should contact the Pupil Personnel Services Office at (518) 382-1285/(518) -347-3600 ext. 74102.

Smart Schools Investment Plan

Click here to view Scotia-Glenville’s Smart Schools Investment Plan.

Title IX, Section 504 Policy and Records Access

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin or handicap or disability.

Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Rick Arket, director of curriculum and instruction (518-382-1218/518-347-3600) or Section 504 Coordinator Rick Arket, director of curriculum and instruction (518-382-1218/518-347-3600). Also, all parents and other authorized persons have full and complete access to their child’s student records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. 

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Transportation to non-public schools

If your child attends a non-public school within the Scotia-Glenville area, and needs transportation to their school, please contact the Transportation Supervisor at (518) 347-3600 ext. 8901 to determine if the district can provide transportation. Transportation requests for the upcoming school year should be made by April 1 each year. This form is required to request transportation.

Website Accessibility Guidelines

Copyright Status Notice

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District website design, text, content, organization, and arrangement of elements are considered to be the intellectual property of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District and may not be reproduced, published, or otherwise used without written permission.

Disclaimer of Endorsement

The documents posted on this website contain hypertext links, or pointers, to other World Wide Web sites or resources that contain information created and maintained by other public and private organizations.

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District does not control or guarantee the availability of such sites nor the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information outside of the domain.

Inclusion of links to other sites is not intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.

Users Acknowledge

Users acknowledge and agree that the Scotia-Glenville Central School District shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with any resources or information accessed through its website(s).

Errors and Corrections Notice

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District does not warrant or represent that its website will be error-free, free of viruses or other harmful components, or that defects will be discovered and/or corrected. The Scotia-Glenville CSD does, however, strive to keep this site as updated as possible; if you see an error or problem, please contact the webmasters maintaining these pages.

Website Accessibility Guidelines

It is the goal of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing or cognitive disabilities.

Good faith efforts have been made to ensure that the school district website complies with New York State standards on website accessibility (New York State OFT Policy, P04-002, Accessibility of State Agency Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications).

The majority of pages in our site are available in a format that can be deciphered by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format. To convert these documents to a more accessible format, please visit Adobe’s online PDF conversion web page.

Document Accessibility

If you have an accessibility issue with any documents shared on this page, please contact Julia Lilkendey in the Communications Office at to receive the information in an alternative format.

Please Note

Some pages on the Scotia-Glenville Central School District website contain links to third-party sites, which are not within our control and may not comply with accessibility standards. The Scotia-Glenville CSD is not responsible for the content, facts, opinions or accessibility of third-party sites.

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Website Publishing Guidelines for the Scotia-Glenville Central School District

Statement of Purpose

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides web server access and server space to individual schools within the district, academic departments, and teachers for maintaining web pages.

School district-sponsored web pages will serve one or more of the following purposes:

  • enhance teaching by providing information that supports classroom instruction and relates to the curriculum
  • inform the community of school-related information and events
  • highlight instructional programs
  • showcase student achievement in the classroom and in extracurricular activities
  • support extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, and student organizations) through posting relevant information that increases visibility and participation

Contributors to the SGCSD web pages may include administrators, faculty, and staff who have a district e-mail account. Students may also participate on a website development team sponsored by a staff member. The sponsoring staff member is responsible for ensuring that any site produced with student collaboration adheres to the subject and content standards described below. The sponsoring staff member is directly responsible for posting the information to the web server.

Subject Matter

All subject matter on Scotia-Glenville School District web pages and their immediate links must relate to curriculum and instruction, school-authorized activities, or information about SGCSD or its mission. Staff or student work may be published only as it relates to a class project, course, or other school related activity. Faculty, staff, and students may not use the district web server to host personal non-academic pages, and may not provide links to personal non-academic pages on other servers.

Content Standards

The content of all pages will adhere to the Copyright Laws of the United States (see United States Government Copyright Office, Library of Congress website at Web designers will give credit for text and graphics gleaned from other sources using appropriate citation styles.

Text, image, movie, or sound that contains pornography, profanity, obscenity, or language that offends or tends to degrade others will not be permitted.

Communication regarding the content of web pages should be addressed to the webmaster, principal, or teachers. Web designers should provide their district e-mail links on their respective pages. Site creators are responsible for responding to e-mail inquiries concerning their web pages in a timely manner.

Use of Student Images, Names, and Work (Intellectual Property) in Online Content

Parents and guardians will annually receive the opportunity to decline the online placement of their child’s likeness, name in any form, and/or student-produced work. To decline placement, parents and guardians should send a written request to their child’s school principal. The school district follows the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) cited below:

information include graduation programs, honor roll and other recognitions, the annual yearbook, sports activity sheets, a theatrical playbill, a district or school newsletter and in a story being covered by the media.

In practice, Scotia-Glenville has historically released only a student’s name, grade, honors, awards and photographs in publications and to the media. Other directory information is not routinely released.

“Opt-out” procedure

Parents not wishing information about their child to be used in either district publications or in release to the electronic or print media should write a letter to the principal of their child’s school. The signed and dated letter should state that “directory information” about (name of student) should not be released under FERPA. You do not need to give a reason.

This letter must be sent annually by Dec. 31.

Web page designers will make every effort to comply with requests from parents and guardians.

Personal information about a student is not allowed on web pages.

This information includes home telephone numbers, street, or e-mail addresses, or information regarding the specific location of any student at any given time.

Student e-mail addresses may not be published. Staff e-mail addresses may only be published with the permission of the individual.


Photographs of students may be added to web pages as related to the Statement of Purpose, unless parents or guardians submit a written request to a school principal. See section below on identification of students in images, movies, and sound recordings.


Students’ photographs and their work may only be identified by first name, or where that is not enough, first name and last initial. Identification beyond this point is not allowed. Students enrolled in special education programs will never be identified as a participant in a special education program. Individuals in movies or sound recordings may not be specifically identified in any fashion.

Student Work (Intellectual Property)

Student work may be added to web pages as indicated in the Statement of Purpose, unless parents and guardians submit a written request to a school principal. Student work includes any form of learning produced by students, either at home or in school. Examples of student work include, but are not limited to, the following: digital photographs of art projects, literary products, media presentations, sound recordings, and reports.

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