The participation and contributions from Scotia-Glenville more than doubled from last year’s Polar Plunge.
Nearly 55 students and adults raised $6,302 for the Special Olympics this weekend and donations have still been coming in. The money from the fundraiser trickles down to support unified programs in the Capital Region. The S-G school district offers a unified bowling, unified basketball and a unified physical education program.

The Tartans that took the plunge this year are associated with the GIVE program, YAC Committee, and students involved in unified sports.
“This event is more than just jumping into the freezing cold waters of Lake George, it’s about coming together to celebrate INCLUSION,” said event coordinator, Katelyn Aker. “From the atmosphere alone, I love that our students feel inclusion with the mix of populations that come together. It’s a really positive experience that gives everybody a sense of belonging,” she said.
From communication, transportation and support, there is so much effort that goes into making this annual event run smoothly. “We are thankful to have that genuine support at Scotia,” Ms. Aker said.