8000 Support Services


The Board of Education delegates to the Superintendent of Schools the responsibility to establish and carry out a district wide safety and security program which:

1. Identifies staff members responsible for effective administration of the program;
2. Provides staff time and other necessary resources for effective administration of the program;
3. Establishes periodic review of staff activities to insure compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
4. Provides for periodic reports as necessary regarding safety and security aspects of the district.

Adopted March 11, 1985
Revised March 13, 1989

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Maintenance of public order in the schools and on the properties of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District shall be in accordance with the terms of Article 55, Section 2801 of the Education Law, as amended by Chapter 740 of the Laws of 1972.

Adopted September 22, 1975

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The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for arranging periodic inspections of district buildings and grounds to insure compliance with Section 807-a of Education Law regarding potential fire hazards and to insure that safety and health hazards are noted and corrected.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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Qualified school personnel are responsible for giving first aid or emergency treatment in case of sudden illness or injury to a pupil or staff member. In case of a student’s illness or injury, school personnel shall attempt to place the student in the care of a parent, guardian, or person designated by the parent or guardian in such cases, as soon as possible, yet the school must retain jurisdiction over and responsibility for the student until this has been done.

The school physician shall develop and distribute Medical First Aid standing orders and procedures for the nurse or other personnel to follow in emergencies. These procedures shall incorporate the following:

1. No treatment except first aid is permitted in school;
2. A master first aid kit shall be kept and properly maintained in each school and each school bus;
3. No drugs unless authorized by a physician shall be administered by school personnel;
4. Parents shall be asked to sign and submit an emergency medical authorization which shall indicate the procedure they wish the school to follow in the event of a medical emergency involving their child;
5. In all cases where the nature of an illness or injury appears serious, the parent or guardian will be contacted if possible, and the instructions on the child’s emergency card followed. In extreme emergencies, arrangements may be made for the child’s immediate hospitalization whether or not the parent or guardian can be reached;
6. No child in grades K-6 who is ill or injured shall be sent home unaccompanied neither by school personnel, nor to a home absent a parent or guardian unless the parent or guardian gives approval to do so. No child in grades 7-12 who is ill or injured shall be sent to a home absent a parent or guardian unless the parent or guardian gives approval to do so.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall establish procedures for the timely and accurate reporting of all injuries and/or accidents occurring on school property or involving school students and staff off school premises if involved in authorized school activities.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall develop and update annually a school emergency management plan in compliance with Section 155.17 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The plan shall provide for sheltering, evacuation, early dismissal, written notification to students and staff, an annual drill, and coordination with local and county emergency preparedness administrators.

Adopted March 13, 1989
Revised November 19, 1990

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The Board of Education shall implement a Pest Management Policy as set forth in Appendix X to the Board Policy Manual.

Adopted December 11, 1995

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The Superintendent of Schools shall establish procedures to insure that fire prevention instruction and fire drills are conducted in accordance with the provisions of Education Law and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for closing district schools or dismissing students early when hazardous weather conditions or other emergencies threaten the health and safety of students and/or staff. The Superintendent of Schools may delegate this authority to another administrator in his/her absence.

If emergency conditions affect only a single school, then only that school shall be closed or students and staff dismissed early.

Students, parents and staff will be informed of procedures to notify them in case of emergency closing. When schools are closed for emergency reasons, staff members will comply with administrative policy in reporting for work.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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All district buildings and grounds shall be operated in a manner which promotes safety and facilitates the efficient and comfortable performance of instructional and administrative functions.

The daily operation maintenance, repair and improvement of school buildings and grounds shall be the overall responsibility of the Supervisors of Buildings and Grounds, who shall report to the Superintendent of Schools through the Business Administrator.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall develop and implement necessary security measures regarding access to school buildings and grounds.

Identification shall be required of all those seeking to enter a district building or loitering on school premises. All visitors to school buildings shall report to the school office. Any person on school property who has not registered with the school office is illegally on school property and must identify himself/herself properly or be asked to leave school property. If the visitor refuses to leave school property or creates any disturbance, staff members are authorized to request assistance from the local law enforcement agency. In such case the Superintendent of Schools should be notified.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall develop and implement procedures for the reporting, control and enforcement of discipline involving incidents of vandalism or theft of school property. Those responsible for acts of vandalism shall be held accountable for their acts, and that restitution for loss be made by those responsible, if at all possible.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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The Board of Education has the authority to regulate traffic and parking on district property in accordance with Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1670. It may prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles and regulate the direction of traffic with respect to driveways or parking fields accessory to any school under the jurisdiction of the district.

The Board of Education may adopt such additional ordinances, orders, rules and regulations with respect to traffic as may be required.

Adopted March 13, 1989

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All facilities in the Scotia-Glenville Central School District shall be made available to organizations within the community that have need for the facility, with availability subject to the provisions of Section 414 of the Education Law. After school use of school facilities shall be limited to social, civic, and recreational meetings and entertainments that pertain directly to the welfare of the community-at-large. The proceeds from admission to any event held in the school may be applied directly to the original sponsor of the purposes of the sponsor are educational, charitable, or for veterans and volunteer firemen’s organizations. Religious and secret societies are prohibited from using school property and benefiting from admission charges.

School grounds should be made available for such “free play” as is deemed normal under neighborhood or family living conditions subject only to the control necessary for the safety of individuals. In recognition of the rights of home owners living adjacent to school properties as well as for the protection of school facilities and grounds, the use of such facilities and grounds for activities, which may be dangerous, disturbing, or destructive, should be regulated.

Public school facilities should be available for any legitimate public program that is not inconsistent with the school program, does not interfere with the regular operation of the school, and is not prohibited by statute. The responsibility for definite approval of any after school use of facilities and establishment of such rules and regulations as are necessary lies with the Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Education retains the right to make final decisions on special cases not covered in this bylaw.

Adopted September 22, 1975
Revised March 13, 1989

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With the exception of computer and peripheral equipment for instructional planning purposes, the personal use of district equipment, tools and vehicles by district employees is not permitted.

Adopted January 9, 1995

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The Board of Education recognizes that certain district employees will be required to carry district-owned cell phones in order to meet their job responsibilities. Such phones should be provided only when a less costly alternative (e.g., paper, radio) is not available or is not appropriate in the circumstances.

A list of job titles requiring district-owned cell phones shall be maintained in the Business Office and reported to the Board for its approval each year at its organizational meeting in July. All cellular telephone contracts shall be secured through the appropriate purchasing process (e.g., competitive bid, State Contract, RFP process) and shall be subject to review and approval by the Board.

In the event an employee uses a district- owned cell phone for other than business purposes, he/she shall keep such call to a reasonable length and reimburse the district for such non-business calls within 15 days notice if expenses are incurred under such service plan.

As with any district-owned equipment, employees must take proper care of cell phones and take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss, or theft. Any damage, loss or theft must be reported immediately to the Business Office. Since employees are responsible for the safe return of the of district-owned cell phones, employees who use district-owned cell phones may be liable for damages or losses which occur during the period of its use.

Other district employees requiring a phone will be provided an annual allowance which will be set at the annual organizational meeting each year. A list of job titles in this category along with the allowance amount will be maintained in the Business Office and reported to the Board for its approval each year at its organizational meeting in July.

At least once per year, the Business Office shall evaluate and report to the Board on the cost effectiveness of the district’s cellular telephone plan.

Adopted June 27, 2005
Revised August 3, 2010

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The Board of Education shall provide student transportation to and from school at least to the minimum extent required by Education Law. The transportation system of the district shall fulfill all legal requirements imposed by state and federal laws. The overall transportation program of the district shall be under the direction of the Transportation Supervisor who shall be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools through the School Business Administrator.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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Pupil transportation services shall be provided as follows:

A. Transportation of resident pupils to Scotia-Glenville Schools and to private and parochial schools within this district.

1. Secondary Schools—pupils attending secondary schools will be eligible for transportation service if they reside in any portion of the district which is beyond two miles from the school which they legally attend, such distance measured by the nearest available route from home to school, or bus pickup location. In providing such transportation, pupils living within the two mile limit, along a regularly established bus route, may be afforded transportation for reasons of safety as determined by Department of Transportation regulations on conjunction with Chapters 69 and 403 of the laws of 1992 (Education Law, Section 3635), if formally adopted by the Board of Education.

2. Elementary Schools—pupils attending elementary schools will be eligible for transportation service if they reside in any portion of the district which is beyond one mile from the school which they legally attend, such distance measured by the nearest available route from home to school, or bus pickup location. In providing such transportation, pupils living within the one mile limit, along a regularly established bus route, may be afforded transportation for reasons of safety as determined by Department of Transportation regulations in conjunction with Chapters 69 and 403 of the laws of 1992 (Education Law, Section 3635), if formally adopted by the Board of Education. Bus stops for elementary school (K-6) children living on main and secondary roads are based solely on student safety with the exception that consolidation of stops will take place wherever, in judgment of the Transportation Supervisor, safety is not a factor.

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B. Transportation of resident pupils to public, private and parochial schools outside this school district:

1. Transportation of such resident pupils shall be provided in compliance with the Education Law and the Commissioner’s Regulations.

2. Transportation service to schools outside this school district shall be provided for all resident pupils requesting same who live within 15 miles of the school they wish to attend, such distance measured by the nearest available route from home to school.

3. Transportation to a nonpublic school may be provided for the resident pupils living beyond the 15 mile limit of there are resident pupils living within the 15 mile limit being transported to that nonpublic school. If so, it shall be provided only from a central pickup point designated as the Scotia-Glenville High School. The district shall not be responsible for transportation of those pupils living beyond the 15 mile limit from their homes and the central pickup point.

4. A written request for transportation to any nonpublic school shall be submitted by the parent or guardian of any resident pupil desiring such transportation by April first proceeding the next school year. If a pupil did not reside in the district on April first, then the written request must be submitted within thirty (30) days after establishment of residence in the district.

5. Where a school bus is provided, transportation reimbursement will not be furnished.

C. Transportation of resident pupils to special classes for physically or mentally handicapped:

In general, transportation will be provided for all handicapped or special class pupils. Service will be consistent with the needs of the individual pupil involved as determined by Committee on Special Education. This transportation is limited to the disabled student, and other students (including siblings) will not be transported.

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D. Late Buses
Transportation as conceived under this bylaw applies to regular daily academic operations. When special needs dictate the provision for late bus service, such service will be provided as deemed necessary by a school administrator.

Adopted September 22, 1975
Revised February 11, 1985
Revised April 10, 1989
Revised November 13, 1995

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The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures regarding the use of school busses for field trips, athletics and extracurricular activities transportation.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Board of Education shall permit students to be transported for authorized school purposes in private vehicles only under limited circumstances.

Parents using their own private vehicles may transport students to and from school under special contract with the district when such arrangements are in the best interests of all parties involved, and the school transportation is unavailable.

Properly licensed secondary school students may drive and bring their cars on school property when authorized to do so by the appropriate school building administrator.

Teachers, supervisory and administrative staff and parent volunteers may transport students to and from school and/or to and from school premises only in unusual circumstances and only with approval of the Superintendent of Schools.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for developing and implementing a school bus safety program, which as a minimum meets all required and generally accepted safety practices including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Bus safety emergency egress drills;
2. Instruction of students in location, use and operation of emergency doors and windows as a means of emergency escape, and location of fire extinguishers and first aid equipment;
3. Instruction of students in safe boarding and exiting procedures;
4. Instruction of students in proper and orderly conduct on school buses;
5. Use of seat belts, when and where required;
6. Training and instruction of bus drivers in all student and vehicle safety procedures.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Board of Education requires that students conduct themselves on a school bus in the manner consistent with standards for behavior contained in the district’s conduct and discipline code. Uniform disciplinary procedures shall be developed by the Superintendent of Schools and enforced by Bus Drivers, the Transportation Supervisor and Building Principals.

The conduct of students while on a school bus is the responsibility of the district. Until such a time as a student boards the bus in the morning and after the student leaves the bus at the end of the school day, the student’s conduct is the responsibility of the parent and/or guardian.

A student who becomes a disciplinary problem on a school bus may have his/her riding privileges suspended by the Building Principal. In such case, the parents and/or guardians of the suspended student are responsible for that student’s transportation unless the Superintendent determines otherwise due to unusual circumstances.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The School Business Administrator is authorized to grant permission for any special use of school buses for nonschool purposes consistent with the following:

1. Such use is permitted by Education Law;
2. Such use will not interfere with the district’s ability to meet its normal transportation commitments
3. Such use will not impose any hardship, liability or other problem for the district.

Any special use of school busses for a nonschool purpose shall be paid for by the user at a mileage rate determined annually by the School Business Administrator based on an accepted formula developed by the New York State Education Department.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for approving each driver prior to employment by the district to operate a school bus. The Superintendent shall ensure that each driver meets all statutory qualifications and requirements before granting such approval.

If any transportation services are contracted out to a private motor carrier, the Superintendent shall ensure that all drivers employed by the private carrier and used to transport district students meet the statutory qualifications and requirements.

The Transportation Supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that each driver, after initial Superintendent’s approval, meets the mandated training requirements imposed by law.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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A comprehensive and regular maintenance program for district school buses shall be developed and implemented by the Transportation Supervisor to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with all applicable state and federal vehicle and safety regulations.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Board of Education of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District recognizes the importance of safe transportation of District students and staff. In compliance with Education Law and Commissioner’s Regulations, the District will promote safe transportation practices in school bus idling. Such practices will apply to buses and other vehicles owned or leased by the District while the vehicle is parked or standing on school grounds or in the front of any school. This policy applies to contractor owned and operated school buses under contract with the District.
All buses will be shut off while waiting for passengers to load and off-load at schools. When arriving at school locations, all buses must shut off their engines while waiting for students to disembark.
Unless otherwise required by State or local law, the idling of a school bus or vehicle engine may be permitted to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes:
1)      For mechanical work; or
2)      To maintain an appropriate temperature for passenger comfort; or
3)      In emergency evacuations where necessary to operate wheelchair lifts.
Requirements of School Bus Drivers:
The Board of Education of the Scotia-Glenville Central School District shall ensure that each driver of a school bus will:
1)      Instruct students on the necessity to board the school bus promptly in the afternoon in order to reduce loading time;
2)      Whenever possible, park the school bus diagonally in school loading areas to minimize the exhaust from adjacent buses that may enter the school bus and school buildings; and
3)      Turn off the bus engine during sporting or other events.
Additional School District Responsibilities:
The District shall annually provide their school personnel, no later than five (5) school days after the start of school, with notice of the provisions of Education Law Section 3637 and Commissioner’s Regulations Section 156.3(h). The format and materials for the notice will be supplied by the Commissioner of Education and can be found at www.emsc.nysed.gov/schoolbus/anti-idling/home.html.
The District shall periodically monitor compliance of school bus drivers and drivers of vehicles owned, leased, or contracted for by the District with the requirements of Commissioner’s Regulations. The District will prepare a written report of the review, the steps taken to complete the review, and the degree to which the District complied with Education Law and Commissioner’s Regulations.
All contracts for pupil transportation services between a school district and a private vendor that are entered into on or after July 1, 2008, shall include a provision requiring the vendor’s compliance with Education Law and the Commissioner’s Regulations.

Education Law §207, §305 and §3637 and Chapter 670 of the Laws of 2007
Subdivision (h) of §156.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, July 1, 2008

First Reading: 08/13/2012
Adopted August 27, 2012

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The Board of Education authorizes private vehicles owned by school district employees to be used for their travel on school-related business when district owned vehicles are not available. Prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee, shall be required for such use.

School district employees using their own private vehicles for approved school business use shall be reimbursed for approved mileage at the mileage rate established annually by the Internal Revenue Service for business use of vehicles.

Adopted April 10, 1989

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The Board of Education will operate a school lunch program in the district under the direct supervision of the School Lunch Manager, who shall report to the Superintendent of Schools through the School Business Administrator.

The district shall participate in the National School Lunch Program and the Special Milk Program in accordance with the rules and regulations of each. The goal of the school lunch program shall be to maintain a quality and cost-effective food program which offers students nutritious and appealing foods.

The Board of Education shall provide the necessary facilities for operating the school food program. It will cooperate with state and federal agencies as required and will comply with all applicable health and safety regulations.

The Superintendent of Schools shall report to the Board periodically on the operation of the school lunch program and shall make recommendations regarding its operation to the Board as appropriate and necessary.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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I. Purpose

The goal of the Scotia Glenville School District is to provide student access to nutritious no- or low-cost meals each school day and to ensure that a pupil whose parent/guardian has unpaid school meal fees is not shamed or treated differently than a pupil whose parent/guardian does not have unpaid meal fees.

Unpaid charges place a large financial burden on our school. The purpose of this policy is to insure compliance with federal requirements for the USDA Child Nutrition Program and, and to provide oversight and accountability for the collection of outstanding student meal balances to ensure that the student is not stigmatized, distressed or embarrassed.

The intent of this policy is to establish procedures to address unpaid meal charges throughout the Scotia Glenville School District in a way that does not stigmatize, distress or embarrass students. The provisions of this policy pertain to regular priced, reimbursable school breakfast, lunch and snack meals only. The Scotia Glenville School District provides this policy as a courtesy to those students in the event that they forget or lose their money.  Charging of items outside of the reimbursable meals (a la carte items, adult meals, etc.) is expressly prohibited.

II. Policy

Free Meal Benefit – Free eligible students will be allowed to receive a free breakfast and lunch meal of their choice each day.  A la carte items or other similar items must be paid/prepaid.

Reduced Meal Benefit – Reduced eligible students will be allowed to receive a breakfast of their choice for $.25 and lunch of their choice for $.25 each day. The charge meals offered to students will be reimbursable meals available to all students, unless the student’s parent or guardian has specifically provided written permission to the school to withhold a meal. A la carte items or other similar items must be paid/prepaid

Full Pay Students – Students will pay for meals at the school’s published paid meal rate each day. The charge meals offered to students will be reimbursable meals available to all students, unless the student’s parent or guardian has specifically provided written permission to the school to withhold a meal. A la carte items or other similar items must be paid/prepaid.

The District’s Food Service Department is responsible for maintaining charge records and notifying the building administrator of each school in the District of any outstanding balances for students. The building administrator of each school or his/her designee is responsible for reviewing the outstanding balances for students in his/her building once a month, Upon review, the building administrator is responsible for immediately sending letters home for students with outstanding balances in excess of $5.00. The District reserves the right to take all actions legally available to it to collect from parents the outstanding amounts owed to it for unpaid balances. Outstanding Balances under the $5.00 threshold will be followed up internally by the building administrator subject to the provisions of this policy.

Bonus meals.  Students at every grade level will receive one free meal for every $50 pre-paid to the student’s account.  Negative balances must be repaid first before bonus meals can take effect.


  • Staff will be trained annually and throughout the year as needed on the procedures for managing meal charges using the NYSED Webinar or the school’s training program.
  • Staff training includes ongoing eligibility certification for free or reduced price meals.


  • Parents/guardians will be notified that a student’s meal card or account balance is exhausted and has accrued meal charges of $5.00 or more within 30 days of the charge and then every 4 weeks thereafter.


  • Staff will communicate with parents/guardians with five or more meal charges to determine eligibility for free or reduced price meals.
  • School staff will make two documented attempts to reach out to parents/guardians to complete a meal application in addition to the application and instructions provided in the school enrollment packet.
  • School staff will contact the parent/guardian to offer assistance with completion of meal application to determine if there are other issues within the household causing the child to have insufficient funds, offering any other assistance that is appropriate.


  • School will not publicly identify or stigmatize any student on the line or discuss any outstanding meal debt in the presence of any other students.
  • Students who incur meal charges will not be required to wear a wristband or hand stamp, or to do chores or work to pay for meals.
  • Schools will not throw away a meal after it has been served because of the student’s inability to pay for the meal or because of previous meal charges.
  • Schools will not take any action directed at a pupil to collect unpaid school meal fees.
  • Schools will deal directly with parents/guardians regarding unpaid school meal fees.


  • School staff will conduct direct certification with NYSSIS or using NYSED Roster Upload at least monthly to maximize free eligibility.
  • School staff will provide parents/guardians with free and reduced price application and instructions at the beginning of each school year in school enrollment packet.
  • Schools using electronic meal application will provide an explanation of the process in the school enrollment packet and instructions on how to request a paper application at no cost.
  • Schools will provide at least two additional free and reduced price applications throughout the school year to families identified as owing meal charges.
  • Schools will use administrative prerogative judiciously, only after using exhaustive efforts to obtain a completed application from the parent/guardian only with available information on family size and income that falls within approvable guidelines.
  • Schools will coordinate with the foster, homeless, migrant, runaway coordinators at least monthly to certify eligible students.

Students/Parents/Guardians may pay for meals in advance via or with a check payable to Scotia Glenville Lunch Fund. Further details are available on our webpage at www.scotiaglenvilleschools.org. Funds should be maintained in accounts to minimize the possibility that a child may be without meal money on any given day. Any remaining funds for a particular student may/will be carried over to the next school year.

Refunds for withdrawn, and graduating students; a written or e-mailed request for a refund of any money remaining in their account must be submitted.  Students who are graduating at the end of the year will be given the option to transfer to a sibling’s account with a written request.

Unclaimed Funds must be requested within one school year. Unclaimed funds will then become the property of the Scotia Glenville School District Food Service Program.

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A comprehensive Records Management Program shall be developed and implemented to make recorded information available and readily accessible, ensure systematic legal disposition of records, and provide for identification and protection of archival records.

The School District Clerk is designated as the Records Management Officer of the school district to coordinate and direct the district’s Records Management Program.

The retention and disposition of school district records shall be governed by the Records and Retention Disposal Schedule ED-1, issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law. In accordance with Article 57-A, only those records will be disposed of that are described in Schedule ED-1 after they have met the minimum retention period described therein, and only those records will be disposed of that do not have sufficient administrative, fiscal, legal or historical value to merit retention beyond established time periods.

Adopted May 8, 1989
Revised January 14, 1991

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I.  Purpose

This policy addresses Scotia-Glenville Central School District’s responsibility to adopt appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards and controls to protect and maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its data, data systems and information technology resources.

II.  Policy Statement

It is the responsibility of the District:

(1)   to comply with legal and regulatory requirements governing the collection, retention, dissemination, protection, and destruction of information;

(2)  to maintain a comprehensive Data Privacy and Security Program designed to satisfy its statutory and regulatory obligations, enable and assure core services, and fully support the district’s mission;

(3)   to protect personally identifiable information, and sensitive and confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure;

(4)   to address the adherence of its vendors with federal, state and SED requirements in its vendor agreements;

(5)  to train its users to share a measure of responsibility for protecting the District’s student data and data systems;

(6)   to identify its required data security and privacy responsibilities and goals, integrate them into relevant processes, and commit the appropriate resources towards the implementation of such goals; and

(7)  to communicate its required data security and privacy responsibilities and goals and the consequences of non-compliance, to its users.

III.  Standard

The District will utilize the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework v 1.1 (NIST CSF or Framework) as the standard for its Data Privacy and Security Program.

IV.  Scope

The policy applies to the District’s employees, and also to independent contractors, interns, volunteers (“Users”) and third-party contractors who receive or have access to the District’s data and/or data systems.

This policy encompasses all systems, automated and manual, including systems managed or hosted by third parties on behalf of the educational agency and it addresses all information, regardless of the form or format, which is created or used in support of the activities of an educational agency

This policy shall be published on the District’s website and notice of its existence shall be provided to all employees and Users.

V.  Compliance

The District’s Data Privacy Officer is responsible for the compliance of the District’s programs and offices with this policy, related policies, and their applicable standards, guidelines and procedures. Instances of non-compliance will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. All cases will be documented, and program offices will be directed to adopt corrective practices, as applicable.

VI.  Oversight

The District’s Data Privacy Officer shall annually report to its Board of Education on data privacy and security activities and progress, the number and disposition of reported breaches, if any, and a summary of any complaint submitted pursuant to Education Law §2-d.

VII.  Data Privacy

(1)    Laws such as the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA), NYS Education Law §2- d and other state or federal laws establish baseline parameters for what is permissible when sharing student PII.

(2)    Data protected by law must only be used in accordance with law and regulation  and  SED policies to ensure it is protected from unauthorized use and/or disclosure.

(3)    The District’s Data Privacy Officer shall manage the use of data protected by law. The Data Privacy Officer will, together with program offices, determine whether a proposed use of personally identifiable information would benefit students and educational agencies, and to ensure that personally identifiable information is not included in public reports or other public documents, or otherwise publicly disclosed, except as permitted by law;

(4)    No student data shall be shared with third parties without a written agreement that complies with state and federal laws and regulations. No student data will be provided to third parties unless it is permitted by state and federal laws and regulations. Third-party contracts must include provisions required by state and federal laws and regulation.

(5)   The identity of all individuals requesting personally identifiable information, even where they claim to be a parent or eligible student or the data subject, must be authenticated in accordance with District procedures.

(6)   It is the District’s policy to provide all protections afforded to parents and persons in parental relationships, or students where applicable, required under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the federal regulations implementing such statutes. Therefore, the District shall ensure that its contracts require that the confidentiality of student data or teacher or principal APPR data be maintained in accordance with federal and state law and this policy.

(7)   Contracts with third parties that will receive or have access to personally identifiable information must include a Data Privacy and Security Plan that outlines how the contractor will ensure the confidentiality of data is maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations and this policy.

VIII. lncident Response and Notification

The District will respond to data privacy and security critical incidents in accordance with District policy and the law. All breaches of data and/or data systems must be reported to the Data Privacy Officer. All breaches of personally identifiable information or sensitive/confidential data must be reported to the Data Privacy Officer. All breaches required under the law to be reported to the State Education Department, shall be reported to the Chief Privacy Officer. For purposes of this policy, a breach means the unauthorized acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of student, teacher or principal PII as defined by Education law §2-d, or any SED sensitive or confidential data or a data system that stores that data, by or to a person not authorized to acquire, access, use, or receive the data.

State and federal laws require that affected individuals must be notified when there has been a breach or unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable information. Upon receiving a report of a breach or unauthorized disclosure, the Chief Privacy Officer, the District’s Data Privacy Officer, and the District’s Counsel and other subject matter experts will determine whether notification of affected individuals is required, and where required, effect notification in the most expedient way possible and without unreasonable delay.

IX.  Acceptable Use Policy and other Related District Policies

(1)   Users must comply with all applicable District policies to ensure the security  of PII, including, but not limited to:

  • 3140 – Employee Laptop User Policy and Agreement
  • 3145 – Information Security Breach and Notification
  • 3150 – Protecting Personal, Private and Sensitive Information When Disposing of or Reusing Electronic Equipment
  • 4355 – Internet Safety/Internet Content Filtering Policy
  • 4360 Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources5350 – Internet Use Policy
  • 5355 – Student Use of Computerized Information Resources (Acceptable Use Policy)
  • 5550 – Student Privacy

X. Training

All users of District data, data systems and data assets must annually complete the information security and privacy training offered by the department. Information security and privacy training will be made available to all users. Employees must complete the training annually.

First reading October 5, 2020
Adopted October 26, 2020

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The Board of Education shall produce insurance coverage to protect the district against potential liabilities as required by law or as the Board shall deem advisable and necessary.

Property insurance as required by Education Law will be purchased to protect school buildings and their furniture, equipment, apparatus add appurtenances.

The Board shall purchase other insurance to protect itself as a corporate body, its individual members, its appointed officers and its employees from financial loss arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgment by reason of alleged negligence or other act resulting in accidental bodily injury to any person or accidental damage to the property of any person within or outside of the school buildings while the above-named insured’s are acting in the discharge of their duties within the scope of their employment and/or under the direction of the Board of Education.

Other insurance coverages shall be provided as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools and authorized by the Board of Education. The Superintendent of Schools will periodically review the district’s insurance program for the purpose of recommending to the Board adjustments in coverage resulting from, but not limited to, relevant new laws, expansion of the district’s risks and changing conditions which make revisions in coverage appropriate.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education shall purchase adequate insurance to protect the district’s real and personal property against the usual risks and hazards, such as fire, explosion, burglary, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and automobile damage. It shall protect the district’s property against unusual hazards which may arise from time to time as it determines to be necessary and economically practicable.

The amount of property coverage shall generally be enough to repair or replace the value of the district’s property. As the basis for purchasing adequate property coverage, the district shall use a reliable independent appraisal service to provide property values of buildings, equipment, apparatus and appurtenances.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education shall purchase adequate insurance to protect its members, officers and employees and certain other individuals from damages arising out of their duties under Education Law and Public Officers Law. Such coverage shall indemnify and defend insureds named above as well as the district itself as required in the applicable provisions of the appropriate statutes.

The amount of and specific types of liability coverage shall be determined by the Board of Education based on generally accepted principles of reasonableness, prudence, cost and availability.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education shall provide accident insurance for students engaged in school activities, as permitted in New York State Education Law, Section 1709, subsections 8.a. and 8.b.

Adopted September 22, 1975
Revised may 8, 1989

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The Board of Education shall purchase and provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage for its officers and employees in accordance with the applicable provisions of state laws mandating such coverage.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education shall participate in the New York State Unemployment Insurance program as required by law. The basis of its participation shall be the direct benefit reimbursement option rather than the payroll tax option.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education is authorized, but not required, to provide disability insurance coverage to its employees. The Board will provide such coverage only as required pursuant to collective bargaining agreements.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education is authorized, but not required, to provide health insurance coverage to its employees. The Board of Education will provide such coverage as required pursuant to collective bargaining agreements. It will provide similar coverage to employees not covered by an agreement with shared cost provisions determined by the Board.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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The Board of Education is authorized, but not required, to provide dental insurance coverage to its employees. The Board of Education will provide such coverage as required pursuant to collective bargaining agreements. It will provide similar coverage to employees not covered by an agreement with shared cost provisions determined by the Board.

Adopted May 8, 1989

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