November 9 free webinar teaches coping and overcoming anxiety

Avoidance, obsessions, perfectionism and other expressions of anxiety

Thursday, Nov. 9 from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

According to the latest statistics, one in five children in this country have a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Anxiety, often referred to as “the great masquerader” can be hard to recognize because it presents in so many different ways, from anger or behavioral challenges, to avoidance, to perfectionism.

If you haven’t already, click this link to sign up to watch Dr. Jennifer Bashant explain what to look for and how to recognize the different types of anxiety, as well as the six lies that anxiety tells. You will leave with tips and strategies to help your child cope with and overcome anxiety.

Even if you are not available to watch the webinar live, we encourage you to register because you will automatically receive the link to the recording after the live event. Access to the recordings will be available, for those who sign up, for 30 days after the webinar.