Scotia-Glenville School District follows the guidance from the New York State Department of Health regarding COVID-19.
This school year, the state is no longer releasing COVID-19 case numbers by school district; however, you can still track cases on a county level through this link:
The following actions can help reduce the chances of getting sick
Routine cleaning in our school buildings continues to be an important strategy for the district. High-risk areas such as health offices, classrooms, lunchrooms, athletic rooms, bathrooms and high-traffic areas are cleaned daily. High-touch surfaces such as lunch tables, desks, chairs, light switches, and handrails are also cleaned throughout the day.
Free At-Home Tests Available
Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides at-home COVID-19 test kits for students. If you need a home COVID test, please contact the district office at 900 Preddice Parkway, Scotia, NY. Call the office upon arrival 518-347-3600 ext. 71100.
Illness/Positive COVID-19 Test
As with any infectious illness, students and staff who test positive for COVID-19, or who show symptoms, are asked to stay home from school and follow the Centers for Disease Control’s Isolation Guidance.
- Someone who tested positive and has no symptoms may return to school after day 5.
- Someone who is sick (has symptoms) may return to school after day 5 if they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.
- People who have been sick, or tested positive, should wear a mask through day 10.
- Regarding athletics, if there is a positive player on any team, it is the responsibility of the coaches and AD’s to notify families of a potential contact.
Masks are not mandated, but any student or staff member may wear a mask while at school to prevent the spread of illness. Mask-wearing is recommended for at least 10 days following a positive COVID test, or COVID illness.
COVID-19 vaccinations are not required to attend school. Children ages 6 months and older are all eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Children older than 5 are eligible for a booster.
To find vaccination sites, go to this link –