High School Code of Conduct/Student Handbook

Printer friendly version of the 2023-24 High School Code of Conduct


  • Peter Bednarek, Principal
  • Angela Cerrone, Assistant Principal
  • Ryan Fedele, Assistant Principal

This handbook represents a “plain language” summary of the School Districts Code of Conduct. Students remain responsible for comporting themselves in accordance with the districts Code of Conduct and are therefore encouraged to refer to the Student Code of Conduct for a complete recitation of its contents. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the Principal if they have any questions or concerns regarding this document or the districts Code of Conduct.

Table of Contents


Every day during the school year, a large number of the students, faculty, support personnel, administrators, parents and guardians at Scotia-Glenville join forces to provide a safe environment where hundreds of people come together to learn, teach and work. Everyone who shares this environment is responsible for providing and maintaining a climate that promotes safety and support for all.

In order to attain an atmosphere wherein learning and teaching take place in the most safe and efficient way, a committee of students, faculty, administrators, parents, and guardians have created this handbook to summarize district policy, administrative rules, procedures, and guidelines for student conduct. This book contains the guidelines and procedures that the students of Scotia-Glenville are expected to follow in order to fulfill their part in the maintenance of a sound educational environment.

It would be impossible to create a handbook or district code of conduct that could identify every possible adverse situation that could be encountered during the school day. Any and all behaviors that have not been included should not be thought of as a deliberate omission. The basic foundation of the Scotia-Glenville High School policy is that the rights, feelings, and property of others must be treated with respect at all times.

Neither this handbook nor the district code of conduct to which it refers (available via the district website) have been created to inhibit student freedom or to stifle student responsibility–particularly at a time when every student wants to become more responsible and more independent. Instead, it should be recognized that both have been created with the belief that each student, faculty/staff member, administrator, and parent or guardian will join together and lend their support so that every student may achieve his or her educational goals in the safest and most efficient manner possible.


The Scotia-Glenville Central School District hereby advises students, parents, guardians, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational education opportunities, without regard to sex, age, race, color, national origin, disability, or religious beliefs. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to:

Title IX Coordinator:

Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Telephone (518) 382-1218

504 Coordinator: 

Pupil Personnel Services, Telephone (518) 386-4341

Scotia-Glenville Central Schools
900 Preddice Parkway
Scotia, New York 12302


Bell Schedule

Here is the high school bell schedule.

Visitors to our schools

The building principal or his or her designee is responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds. Since schools are a place of work and learning, certain limits must be set for these visits. For these reasons, the following rules apply to visitors to the schools:

  1. Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school will be considered a visitor.
  2. All visitors to the school must report to the office of the principal upon arrival at the school.
    There they will be required to sign the visitor’s register and will be issued a visitor’s identification badge, which must be worn at all times while in the school or on schoolgrounds. The visitor must return the identification badge to the principal’s office before leaving the building.
  3. Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as home-school organization meetings or public gatherings are not required to register.
  4. Teachers are expected not to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
  5. Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the principal or his or her designee. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants.
  6. All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property as posted on all school grounds and disseminated in the district code of conduct on an annual basis.

Academics and Student Life


Achievement at the high school level is directly related to attendance. A student is expected to attend each school session.

A. Reporting Absences

When a student must be absent from school, a parent or guardian should call 347-3600 ext.61103. The attendance secretary will call home to verify absences. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work missed due to legal absences.

Upon return to school, New York State Education Law requires that a student present a written statement, signed by the parent or legal guardian, explaining each legal absence or tardiness. Forging an attendance statement is a serious offense. If excuses are not submitted to the attendance secretary in the main office within three days, the student may be referred to the office.

The following excuses are considered legally acceptable by the New York State Board of Regents:
(a)personal sickness; (b) sickness or death in the family; (c) severe storms or impassable roads;
(d)religious observance; (e) quarantine; (f) court obligations; (g) music instruction; (h) approved cooperative work program; (i) doctor’s appointment.

All other absences are illegal or truant. Additionally, if a note pertaining to absence for one of the reasons noted above is not turned in within the three-day timeframe, the student’s absence is marked as unexcused. At that point, it is at the teacher’s discretion as to whether or not to allow the student to make up class assignments or homework that was given during the student’s unexcused absence.

Extended Medical Absences

If a student needs to be excused from school for more than 5 consecutive days due to medical reasons, then the parent/guardian must meet with an administrator to review the Home Instruction/Tutoring procedures and coordinate services with the Health Care provider.


B. Truancy

Students who are absent from school without a parent or guardian’s knowledge or permission are considered truant. Class work and assignments scheduled during an absence must be completed by the student. If a student misses a quiz or a test while truant, the student will receive a zero.

A student will be assigned two days of in-school suspensions for truancy. The student’s illegal absence will be counted as a cut from each class as well. As a result of repeated truancy, a student may be withdrawn from a class and placed in a restricted study.

C. Absence from Homeroom

All students MUST be in homeroom during the homeroom period in order to maintain an accurate absentee list. Homeroom also provides a means of communication among faculty, administration,and students. Students receive essential information and communications during this period. It isa violation of procedure if a student is in the building but does not attend homeroom.

D. Leaving School Early

Scotia-Glenville High School is a closed-campus for all underclassmen. Students should remain in the building and on school grounds during the school day except for students who have earned senior privileges, work release, or have permission by the nurse or the main office to leave.

In order to leave school early, a student must submit a note or legal documentation from a parent or guardian to the attendance secretary in the main office upon arrival in the morning. If it is later determined that the dismissal is not for a “legal absence,” it is at the teacher’s discretion as to whether or not to allow the student to make-up missed class assignments or homework that was given during the student’s illegal absence. Contact with a parent or guardian must be made prior to a student leaving the building. If contact with a parent or guardian is not made, the student has left school illegally. Notes and excuses received after the student has left the building will not be accepted.

Violation of this policy will result in the following disciplinary action:

First Violation:
The student is assigned two detentions per CLASS MISSED.

Second Violation:   
The student is assigned one (1) day of in-school suspension, and parents/guardians will be notified.

Additional Violations:     
The student is assigned in-school or out of school suspension as appropriate. The principal or assistant principal may request a conference with the parent or guardian.

Students riding the school bus may NOT leave school grounds before entering school or boarding the bus.

School Assembly

If students are to be excused for any part of the day a parental note must be submitted to the main office no later than 10 a.m.

  • Phone calls for immediate dismissal will not be accepted.


E. Tardiness

Tardiness to School/Chronic Tardy Policy

Promptness to school must be of the highest priority; therefore, students are expected to make every effort to be on time for school each day. A student is considered tardy to school if he/she does not report to homeroom by 7:38 a.m. Students who are tardy to school should sign-in at the main office. Repeated failure to do so will result in detention, in-school suspension, or out-of-school suspension. Additionally, a written explanation for each tardy, signed by a parent or guardian, must be submitted within three days. If a written explanation for a tardy is not submitted within three days, the tardy shall be considered an illegal tardy even if a legal excuse is brought in after the three-day time period.

Tardy referrals will be written by the attendance secretary and will handled in the following manner:

Tardies #1, 2, 3, & 4:           
Entered on student’s permanent attendance record.

Tardy #5:
Entered on student’s permanent attendance record.
Student is added to the chronic tardy list and detention will be assigned for every subsequent tardy per quarter.

student on the chronic tardy list may be ineligible for senior privileges, honors privileges, and/or work release for a term determined by the administration. Privileges such as student parking permits, field trips, etc., may be revoked as well.

Each subsequent tardy will be entered on a student’s permanent attendance record. Classes missed due to illegal tardies are treated as class cuts. Parents and guardians may be contacted by a school administrator to discuss chronic tardiness. Parent/guardian conferences will be held as necessary. Students may be referred for counseling.

Tardy to Homeroom

If a student arrives to homeroom after the 7:38 a.m. bell, without a pass, they are considered tardy to school. The teacher should note the late arrival as NP. As with tardies to school, after the 5th late arrival to homeroom, students will earn a detention for every subsequent late arrival per quarter.

Tardies #1, 2, 3, & 4:  
Entered on student’s permanent attendance record.

Tardy #5:    
Entered on student’s permanent attendance record. Student is added to the chronic tardy list and detention will be assigned for every subsequent tardy. Student will be restricted to study halls for the remainder of the quarter and may also lose privileges as below.

A student on the chronic tardy list may be ineligible for senior privileges, honors privileges, and/or work release for a term determined by the administration. Privileges such as student parking permits, field trips, etc., may be revoked as well.

Each subsequent tardy will be entered on a student’s permanent attendance record. Classes missed due to illegal tardies are treated as class cuts. Parents and guardians may be contacted by a school administrator to discuss chronic tardiness. Parent/guardian conferences will be held as necessary. Students may be referred for counseling.

Tardy to Class:

If a student arrives late to class without a pass, the following procedures should be followed:

Tardies #1, 2, & 3       
Warning by the teacher

Tardy #4          
Teacher detention/Home contact

Tardy #5                       
Referral to the office


F. Cutting Classes and Study Halls

Students are required to attend all scheduled classes including study halls. A student who is truant from school or cutting class is required to make up the instructional time lost. Parents/guardians will be notified. Cutting a class or missing a class due to an illegal tardy or illegal dismissal will result in the following disciplinary actions:

First Offense:
Two detentions will be assigned per class. In addition, the student is responsible for class work and/or assignments missed because of the absence.

Second Offense:
a) One day of in-school suspension will be assigned. In addition, the student is responsible for class work and/or assignments missed because of the absence. The assistant principal/dean will contact the student’s parent or guardian in a timely manner. b) Students will be restricted to study hall for a ten-week period.

Additional Offenses: The student will be assigned in-school suspensions or out of school suspension, as appropriate and a meeting with the parent/guardian and a school administrator will be required. Students may be denied course credit should they continue to cut class.

The classroom teacher is responsible for taking attendance and writing out student referrals once he or she has been notified that a student has cut the class. In all circumstances, if a student cuts a class in which a quiz or test was given, that student will receive a zero for the test or quiz and will be responsible for all other missed assignments.

G. Perfect Attendance

Students will be considered to have perfect attendance if they are in attendance every day, all day,with no tardies or dismissals. Students who are on approved educational field trips from school are considered in attendance that day. Prior approval by the principal is required. Students absent due to a death in the immediate family or religious observance may be considered to have perfect attendance at the discretion of the principal.


H. Extracurricular Participation and Attendance

Students who are participating in activities scheduled during the evening hours–such as sports,music, dramatics, or social events–must be in school on the day of the activity in order to participate or be a spectator. When the activity falls on a Saturday, attendance is required in school on Friday. Special circumstances should be discussed with the principal or assistant principal prior to the event.

Attendance at concerts is required of band, orchestra, and chorus students. These events are considered part of the music curriculum.

I.  Junior / Senior Prom

Each year on the day of the Junior / Senior Prom the High School students have a half day of school (7:38 a.m. – 11:29 a.m.). This schedule includes Homeroom through Period 5 of the school day. Students are REQUIRED to be in attendance for the entire half day of school in order to attend the Junior/Senior Prom. This requirement includes Study Halls and 5th period Lunch. If a senior student has Senior Privileges, then that student will have permission to leave during non-academic periods as are allowed during all other days of the school year.


Students riding to scheduled activities in school or charter buses should return on those buses or with their own parents/guardian provided prior written notification was made to the coach or advisor.


Any student, parent, guardian, spectator, and/or visitor who wishes to attend any school-sponsored event, may be prohibited from bringing in any type of beverage, backpack, container or bag.


Assembly Procedures

Assembly programs are considered an integral part of a student’s educational program at Scotia Glenville High School. So that such activities may be introduced into the regular on-going school program with the maximum educational benefit being realized, the following procedures have been established:

  1. Where a particular program is deemed by the principal to be of sufficient importance to the student body, attendance shall be made mandatory.
  2. On other occasions where the type of Assembly program may be of value to individual students within a particular grade, course, class, etc. the assembly will be designated as voluntary in nature.
  3. Students must be punctual in arriving for the Assembly programs, fully cooperative and attentive toward those presenting the program, and courteous in remaining until the program has been concluded.
  4. Initiation of an assembly or program presentation may be proposed by students and/or teachers working in conjunction with the building principal as appropriate.

Field Trips

Each student must complete field trip permission forms before participating in such activities. Students on field trips are expected to conduct themselves as if they were in class. Chaperones may not permit a student to take part in an activity if the student requires special supervision. Students who are on the academic ineligibility list, failing, or frequently absent will be denied field trip participation.


Students who wish to bring a guest to school must receive permission from the office at least one day in advance of the visit and complete the necessary form.



It is the student’s responsibility to keep locker combinations confidential. The locker assigned in ninth grade will remain with the student until graduation. Personal property should be marked with the owner’s name and valuables may be kept in the school safe.

Medication Policy

There are times when it may be necessary for a student to receive medication during school hours. The following requirements for administration of medication must be met in order for that medication to be given. These requirements apply to both prescription and non-prescription (“over-the-counter”) medications.

  • The school nurse must have a written order on file from the healthcare provider stating the name of the medication, dosage, time to be given in school if it is to be given on a daily basis, and the circumstances for administering the medication if it is not to be given on a regular dosage schedule. This written order should be on the doctor’s letterhead stationery and include the office address and telephone number. Orders must be renewed annually.
  • The school nurse must have written permission on file from the parent or guardian authorizing school personnel to administer the medication as specified by the doctor.
  • The parent or guardian (or other responsible adult) must bring the medication to school in the pharmacy container or the original store container. Students should NOT transport medication!
  • Any medication to be given at school must be kept in the Health Office. (EXCEPTION: Instances where it has been determined by a student’s physician that the student should carry his/her medication – see self-medication form).
  • Medications not picked up at the end of the school year will be discarded. A reminder notice will be sent home before the last day of school in June.

These policies, determined by the Scotia-Glenville Central School District, are in accordance with New York State Education Department guidelines and exist for the safety of ALL of the students in the school.


Parking Permits (IF NECESSARY)

Parking spaces for students are limited at SGHS. When the demand for student parking exceeds the available spaces, the Scotia-Glenville High School will then issue Parking Permits.

Parking permits will be issued according to grade level. Permission forms are available in the main office. Students who wish to park cars on an occasional basis should receive daily permission from the Parking Coordinator. Cars on school grounds must be kept locked at all times. Students may not be in the parking lot at any time other than before school or at dismissal time unless students receive permission from the principal or assistant principal.

Violation of parking/driving rules, which include parking in RESERVED slots, may result in an immediate loss of parking privileges. Parking permits may also be revoked for chronic offenders of the code of conduct. Any car parked illegally will risk being towed at the owner’s expense. All traffic signs must be obeyed. The school will not be liable for damage or theft.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a credit-bearing course required for graduation. Students must attend class and participate in class activities in order to earn credit. The physical education grade is included in the cumulative average, which is used to determine class rank. Students who fail to attend class or fail to participate in a physical education class will be subject to the rules and regulations that govern attendance in any class. Any student who does not participate in Physical Education due to a medical excuse or an unprepared may not participate in after school sports.

Dressing for Class

Each student must wear proper attire to physical education class. This requires a change of clothes (except the cross-country skiing unit outdoors) from school clothes worn that day and will include a T-shirt or sweatshirt, gym shorts, or sweatpants, socks, and sneakers with support. A jacket, hat, gloves, etc., may be needed for outdoor activities; and the student is responsible for bringing the appropriate attire.

Unacceptable clothing includes cut off shorts, T-shirt’s advertising alcohol, tobacco or any other drug, and any clothing deemed inappropriate by the teacher. Should a student wear unacceptable clothing, she/he will be expected to change, or it will be recorded as being unprepared for the day. Except for outdoor ski classes, no student will be able to participate without a change in clothes.

Unprepared Policy

Students will be given one warning per semester. If a student fails to prepare for class again, the following will occur:

  • First Unprepared: A referral will be sent to the parent/guardian. Student will receive a maximum grade of 90 for the quarter.
  • Second Unprepared: A referral will be sent to the parent/guardian. School detention will be assigned by the teacher. Student will receive a maximum grade of 80 for the quarter.
  • Third Unprepared: A referral will be sent to the parent/guardian. Student will receive a maximum grade of 60 for the quarter.

Failing to prepare for class more than three times will result in a grade lower than 60 for the quarter.



In our school we know problems can arise. Do you, as students know where to go and who to talk to? Instead of talking about the problem behind the person’s back, talk to them to try to solve the problem.

Talk to the PERSON with whom there is a problem, whether it is a teacher, staff member or other student OR, if you are shy and don’t feel comfortable talking to that person, have a FRIEND you trust or a PARENT/GUARDIAN, communicate with them.

Remember, YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR, and SOCIAL WORKERS and keep in mind, you can always go to the PRINCIPAL, or the ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL. No, they are not just there for student discipline problems. Remember, everything said should be tactful and not hurtful. Yelling will get you nowhere. This system can also be used for positive comments as well. The above communications can be made verbally or through writing. Remember, COMMUNICATION is the key; problems cannot be solved if nothing is said.

If a student feels he/she is being treated unfairly by a teacher, the student should talk to the teacher privately to resolve the problem. Students should also feel free to work with administrators, guidance counselors, or the Student Assistance Counselor to resolve classroom problems.

Summer School

Since summer school is a non-mandatory alternative program, eligibility to enroll will be based upon:

  • a minimum grade average of 50%
  • minimum of 85% attendance
  • guidance counselor recommendation
  • building principal approval



It is expected that while on school premises, school buses, or any other school property, that Scotia-Glenville students will choose to act in accordance with the following school rules and the district code of conduct. Students are expected to respect the rights of other members of the school community to conduct business without interference at all times. Students who interfere with other students and teachers in the building will be warned initially, and, if necessary, referred to the office. Failure to do so may result in one or more of the following consequences as determined by the severity and frequency of the infraction.

  • Teacher Detention
    Teachers may detain students before school, after school, or during lunch or study hall to fulfillteacher detention.
  • School Detention
    Administrators may detain a student after school from 2:35 p.m. until 3:45 p.m. to perform assigned school work.
  • Lunch Detention
    Students may be assigned to a restricted lunch area for the entire lunch period. Students will not be allowed to talk during this lunch restriction.
  • Removal from Class
    A classroom teacher may remove a disruptive student from class for one class session. The removal from class applies only to the class from which the student was removed. Students who are removed from class must report to the office immediately.
  • In-School Suspension  10:48 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
    Students will be assigned to the ISS room for the duration of the school day. During this time, they will complete teacher assigned schoolwork and have no contact with other students. Lunch will bein the designated area. In-school suspension will be in conjunction with detention that same day normally.
  • Alternative Consequence / Social Suspension
    Administrators may consider assigning Alternative Consequences to students who received referrals which result in external suspension. Alternative Consequences may include before or after school projects to benefit school and/or community after consultation with parents/guardians.Administrators may also consider assigning Social Suspension to students who receive referrals that result in external suspension. Social Suspension can include the removal of privileges with any school related extracurricular activities — e.g., parking, prom, senior picnic, school plays,athletic and/or interscholastic contests, Ski Club, etc.
  • Loss of Privileges
    Early release for reasons such as employment, field trips, tours, and participation in athletic events and clubs are privileges. Students who are on the academic ineligibility list, fail to maintain passing grades or satisfactory attendance, or who fail to follow the code of conduct and school rules, may not be permitted to take part in these activities.
  • Academic Restriction
    Any student who has failed at least two (2) classes in a quarter will be placed in an academically restricted area or room (if available) for every study hall they are scheduled in for the following quarter. This restriction is for the entire quarter. Students who are restricted for academics may only leave this restricted study hall with a pre-signed pass to meet their academic needs. If for any reason a student abuses this, privileges may be revoked, and they may be put on a full restriction for up to five weeks (Behavior Restriction).
  • Behavior Restriction
    If a student in a study hall is in violation of any study hall procedure, the study hall teachers may restrict that student completely for up to 5 weeks. Passes to leave this study hall will not be honored. If a student is not compliant with this procedure, a referral to the office will be given for further disciplinary action.
  • Out-of-School Suspension
    The student may not attend classes, participate in or attend any school function, or be on the school grounds during the time of the suspension. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed assignments. Students who loiter or return to campus during a suspension are subject to immediate arrest for trespassing. Parents/guardians will be contacted and must make provision for the readmission of a suspended student or participate in a readmission meeting.
  • Principal’s Hearing
    Cases of excessive behavioral problems may result in a Principal’s Hearing. Hearings will review the student’s infractions, academic standing and efforts to bring about change. Parents/guardians are required to attend. Hearings will result in a clear statement of expectations if a formal Superintendent’s Hearing is to be avoided. Other consequences may also be applied. For example, students may be removed from a particular course and assigned to a study hall instead.
  • Superintendent’s Hearing
    This is a formal hearing to consider a student’s long-term suspension from school. The hearing is conducted in accordance with the provision of the State Education Law. The students will have the right to be represented by an attorney and may question witnesses or challenge evidence given against them. Students placed on long-term suspension will be prohibited from attending any school related events and from being on school property without express permission.

Note: Out-of-school suspension is the most serious consequence the high school can assign for misbehavior. It is used judiciously after other measures have failed to produce appropriate behavior. However, serious offenses such as abusive actions toward a teacher or fighting will result in out-of-school suspension.


Academic Integrity

As part of the school community, it is the duty and responsibility of students and faculty to honor academic success that is earned as the consequence of hard work and effort. Academic integrity at SGHS is based upon a respect for individual achievement that is the result of personal integrity, honor, and diligence. Never let other students devalue your achievements by allowing anyone to take unfair advantage of your work. Report any academic dishonesty that you see.

  • Acknowledge your sources. Whenever you use words or ideas that are not your own use quotations marks. Where appropriate, cite your source in an internal footnote, and back it up with a list of sources cited and/or consulted.
  • Protect your work. In examination situations, do not allow others to see your work. You are the only one who should get credit for what you know.
  • Avoid suspicion. Do not put yourself in the position where you could be suspected of copying another person’s work or having used unauthorized notes in an examination.
  • Do your own work. Do not allow someone else to do your work as it defeats the purpose of your education and may result in serious charges against you.
  • Always be honest. Do not falsify records. Do not fabricate data. Always be truthful when discussing your work with an instructor.

*This is based on the “University Principles and Safeguards” of Northwestern University. Additional sources consulted: Niskayuna High School and Bethlehem High School Academic Integrity Policies.

The following are examples and definitions of the types of behavior that violate the academic integrity policy at SGHS; however, they are not limited to the following:

  • Cheating: unauthorized notes or unacceptable use of technology, unauthorized study aids,alterations of graded work after it has been returned, copying another’s homework, submitting identical or similar papers for credit in more than one course without permission from the instructors.
  • Plagiarism: submitting material that in part or whole is not entirely one’s own without citing correct sources–including web sites or other resource materials.
  • Fabrication: falsifying or inventing information, data or citations.
  • Theft of Exam Materials: stealing, reproducing, or any other unauthorized collection of any and all exam material prior to the exam.
  • Aiding and Abetting Academic Dishonesty: providing material, information, or other assistance to another person with the knowledge that it could be used in any of the violations
    stated above or providing false information in connection with any inquiry regarding academic integrity.
  • Falsification of Records and Official Documents: altering academic records or official school documents or forging signatures.
  • Unauthorized Access to Computerized Academic or Administrative Records: viewing,modifying, or releasing any official school computer records without authorization.
  • Misuse of Technology: unauthorized use or misuse of websites, the internet, graphing calculators, or any other technology.

Due Process and Consequences for Academic Integrity Violations

Due Process and Student Rights

Any student charged or suspected of a violation of academic integrity shall be given:

  • A prompt investigation of all charges.
  • Written notice of the facts and evidence regarding the charges.
  • An explanation of the investigation procedure.
  • A hearing between the student involved and the assistant principal with a recommended course of action to be submitted to the principal.
  • The right to appeal. An appeal must be requested within 48 hours of the assistant principal’s written decision.


All proven cases of academic dishonesty will result in the notification of the parent or guardian, guidance counselor, principal and assistant principal.

Additionally, at least several of the following may occur:

  • Reduced or failing grade on quiz, test, paper, project or exam.
  • Reduced or failing grade on the grade for the quarter.
  • Reduced or failing grade for the course.
  • The incident may be recorded in the disciplinary file and the student’s permanent record file.
  • Detention or suspension from school.
  • Letters of recommendations, scholarships, and NHS membership may be jeopardized.
  • Referral to police for possible criminal prosecution.


After School

Students remaining after school must be directly supervised by a district employee starting at 2:45 p.m. Students must be participating in an organized school activity supervised by a staff member or coach. Students waiting for a ride will wait at the rear of the building near the gym or by the B9 cafeteria. As is required during the school day, students will not participate in horseplay or litter hallways. A student who is told to leave the building by a staff member for any reason will do so immediately.

Students may lose after school privileges as part of a disciplinary consequence (previously indicated).

Athletic and Co-Curricular Activity Policy

TThe standards set forth in this policy are not any higher than those of the school policy for all students. The difference is that students involved in athletics and co-curricular activities can be suspended from partial or complete participation in those activities.

Students participating in co-curricular activities are expected to maintain appropriate standards of decorum and exhibit a high level of school citizenship throughout the school day and within the community. Behavior that may cause a bad image or be construed as unbecoming to a participant in one of these activities may deny him/her the opportunity to be a participant in the activity. Use of alcohol and other illegal substances will result in suspension from interscholastic and extra-curricular activities Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege for the students at Scotia-Glenville Senior High School.

A separate “Athletic Code of Conduct” applies to all student athletes. Copies are available in the Physical Education office.

Referrals: Students participating in extracurricular activities who receive a discipline referral to the main office for violating any part of the Scotia-Glenville Senior High School Code of Conduct may be suspended or removed from their specific activity for a period of time to be determined by building administration.

Alcohol and Drugs: Students on co-curricular activities that are found to be involved with usage will automatically be suspended from the activity. Students will be excluded from any club or extra-curricular activity for 20 school days commencing with the date of suspension. Reinstatement will commence on the 21st school day.

A student involved in the use and/or possession of alcohol or the use and/or possession of any substance prohibited by law will be require to attend a minimum of ten (10) periods of substance abuse counseling with the Student Assistance counselor or outside agency in addition to any limitation on participation set forth herein.

Consequences will be as follows:

First Offense:
Effective on the date when the penalties are imposed, the athlete will be placed on Probation for one calendar-year. The athlete will need to meet with the student assistant counselor or equivalent outside agency for counseling. The counselor and administrator must agree as to when a student can return to participation. During the period of probation, the athlete will be expected to practice with the team but will not be allowed to participate in the team’s scheduled competitions according to the eligibility chart (see below). Student-athletes on probation are expected to attend all practices and contests (NOT IN UNIFORM) and be of assistance to the team, as the coach deems appropriate. Penalties that cannot be served during the sport season in which they are imposed will be carried over for completion in the next sport season in which the athlete participates. The penalty assigned will be adjusted proportionately based on the number of regular season scheduled contests in the subsequent season.

Eligibility Chart

# of Regular Season           Contest Penalty          Contest Penalty
Scheduled Contests            First Offense               Second Offense
8 (or less)                                   2                                  4
9                                                     2                                  4
10-12                                            3                                  6
14-17                                            4                                  8
18-21                                            5                                  10
22                                                  6                                  12

Second Offense:
Offense occurs during the one-year probationary period, the athlete is suspended from all participation in interscholastic athletics for one calendar year from the date of the second offense. If a second offense occurs at any time after the probationary period, all provisions set forth in the first offense will apply. However, the contest penalty will be increased according to the eligibility chart. In addition, a new one calendar year probationary period will be assigned.

Third Offense:
A third offense at any time during the secondary interscholastic time will mean a suspension from future participation on any interscholastic team for the remainder of the secondary school years.

Appeals: A student-athlete may file an appeal in writing to the Director of Athletics within three calendar days from the date the penalty was assessed. The Athletic Director will call a meeting of the Appeals Committee to review the appeal. The jurisdiction of the Appeals Committee will be limited to affirming or reversing the decision of the Athletic Director. The Appeals Committee will have no authority to increase or reduce any penalty imposed. The student-athlete and/or his/her parents/legal guardians may attend the Appeals Committee meeting. The Athletic Director will notify the student-athlete of the results of the appeal within 24 hours.


BOCES Career and Technical School

Students attending the BOCES VOTEC programs will be responsible for complying with the rules and regulations in the BOCES School Conduct and Discipline Code as well as the Scotia-Glenville District Code of Conduct. Copies of the BOCES Code will be provided for all VOTEC students.

Any student who illegally misses the VOTEC bus 6 times during the course of the school year will be subject to possible removal from the program. Parents/guardians will be notified.

Any student with VOTEC driving privileges found to be transporting other students illegally will be subject to loss of driving privileges.

Bullying / Harassment / Discrimination / Hazing

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Board of Education prohibit acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination and hazing. The board of education has determined that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and hazing is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment.

Bullying is defined as a hostile activity, which harms or induces fear through the threat of further aggression and/or creates terror. Bullying may be premeditated or a sudden activity.

Bullying can take many forms; however, the main types are defined as any gesture or written, verbal or physical act, or any use of electronic communication (a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone or computer) that take place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus and that:

  1. is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry,national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability; or,
  2. by any other distinguishing characteristic; and
  3. a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or
  4. has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a
    way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school.

Forms of bullying include, but are not limited to, physical or verbal assaults, nonverbal or emotional threats or intimidation, social exclusion and isolation, extortion, and the use of a computer or telecommunications to send embarrassing, slanderous, threatening, or intimidating messages.

Specific examples of bullying may include, but are not limited to:

Verbal bullying: name calling, insulting remarks, verbal teasing, frightening phone calls, violent threats, extortion, taunting, gossip, spreading rumors, racist slurs, threatening electronic communications, anonymous notes, etc.

Physical bullying: poking, slapping, hitting, tripping or causing a fall, choking, kicking, punching, biting, pinching, scratching, spitting, twisting arms or legs, damaging clothes and personal property, threatening gestures, etc.

Social bullying: purposely excluding someone from a group, spreading rumors or gossiping, arranging public humiliation, undermining relationships, teasing about clothing, looks, giving dirty looks, aggressive stares, etc.

Cyberbullying: harassment or bullying that occurs through any form of electronic communication.
Cyberbullying that occurs off-campus and endangers the health and safety of students or staff within the school or can reasonably be expected to substantially disrupt the educational process, is prohibited.

Cyberbullying or cyber threatening material, either in the form of text or images, posted on personal web sites, social networking sites, blogs or transmitted via email, discussion groups, message boards, chat rooms, instant messages, or via cellular phones is prohibited.

The use of the district’s internet system, cellular devices on school district property, cellular devices not on district property or the use of an internet system not owned or operated by the District to bully, or harass other students, faculty and staff is prohibited.

Off-campus cyberbullying or cyber threats regardless of the form in which the message is transmitted endangering the health, welfare or safety of students, faculty or staff within the District or adversely affecting the educational process is prohibited. Students engaging in this type of conduct will be disciplined according to the District’s Code of Conduct.

Harassment: is defined as the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that has or would have the effect of unreasonably or substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities, or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her safety. The harassing behavior may be based on any characteristic, including but not limited to a person’s actual or perceived: race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender (including gender identity and expression).

SGHS students should treat faculty and staff members, other students, and the public with proper respect. Treatment of faculty or staff members or students in an intimidating, threatening, or harassing manner is an extremely serious matter reflecting poorly on that student and our school. A student, staff member, or community member who feels he/she has been a victim of harassment based on gender, race, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability or any other personal characteristic is encouraged to report the incident to a teacher, counselor, nurse, or the administration. Faculty and/or staff should advise the administration and encourage the complainant to file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator (The Director of Curriculum and Instruction). Any student or students guilty of harassment may be assigned detention, in-school or external suspension.

School administration will thoroughly investigate all reports of such behavior and will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of the individual making the complaint. If confirmed, such behavior will result in detention, suspension, or other appropriate consequences.

Discrimination is defined as the act of denying rights, benefits, justice, equitable treatment, or access to facilities available to all others, to an individual or group of people because of the group, class, or category to which that person belongs (as enumerated in the harassment section).

Hazing is an induction, initiation, or membership process involving harassment which produces public humiliation, physical or emotional discomfort, bodily injury or public ridicule or creates a situation where public humiliation, physical or emotional discomfort, bodily injury or public ridicule is likely to occur.

When it is determined that acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or hazing have occurred, the offenders will be given the message that their actions are wrong. Consequences for a student who commits an act of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or hazing shall be varied (ranging from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion) and graded according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student and the student’s history of problem behaviors and performance and will be consistent with the district code of conduct. Remedial measures shall be designed to correct the problem behavior; prevent another occurrence of the problem; protect and provide support for the victim of the act; and take corrective action for documented systemic problems related to harassment, intimidation or bullying.

The principal and/or the principal’s designee at each school is responsible for receiving complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination or hazing. All school employees are required to report alleged violations to the principal or principal’s designee. All members of the school community, including students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and visitors, are also urged to report alleged violations to the principal or the principal’s designee. While submission of the report form is not required, the reporting party should use the report form available from the principal of each building or at the district’s central office and/or contact the principal or the principal’s designee.

Reports may be made anonymously, but formal action for violations of the code of student conduct may not be based solely on the basis of an anonymous report. In addition, the principal and/or the principal’s designee is responsible for determining whether an alleged act constitutes a violation. In so doing, the principal and/or the principal’s designee shall conduct a prompt, thorough and complete investigation of each alleged incident.

The district prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. The consequence and appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation shall be determined by the administrator after consideration of the nature, severity, and circumstances of the act, in accordance with case law, Federal and State statutes and regulations and district policies and procedures.


Care of School Property

Students have always taken great pride in the appearance of Scotia-Glenville High School. In keeping with this established tradition, we trust that each individual will assume a share of the responsibility to maintain and care for the building. Students will be subject to disciplinary action when they engage in acts of vandalism, theft, or destruction of school or another individual’s property. A student shall not be involved in willful or malicious destruction or defacing of school property or the property of others. A student shall not be a part of any theft or unauthorized possession of school or another individual’s property. A student who causes damage to the school building or grounds will be expected to pay for the damage. Any student who intentionally damages equipment in a class may be removed from that class for the remainder of the year. Students will be issued, without charge, library books, required textbooks and other materials such as athletic uniforms, and laboratory, vocational, athletic, and music equipment. Books, uniforms, and equipment should be returned in the same condition as issued. Lost or damaged books, uniforms, and equipment are the responsibility of the student. Students will be expected to pay for losses or damage.

Detention Policy

In cases of minor infractions of the code of conduct, school, or administrative detentions, may be assigned. A student who fails to complete administrative detention will be given additional detentions and may be restricted to study halls. Further detention “cuts” may result in assignment to in-school or out-of-school suspension.

After-school detentions are held Tuesday through Thursday and start promptly at 2:35 p.m. and conclude at 3:45 p.m.

Students must bring sufficient school-related work and materials for the entire detention period. Students who fail to attend teacher-assigned detentions will be referred to the assistant principal
and an administrative consequence will be assigned.

Administrative detention will supersede all other after-school obligations for students assigned to such detentions.

If a student is removed from detention for disruption or other causes, the following procedures will be implemented:

  • teacher will send the student to the office
  • teacher will call the office to notify the office of the student being removed
  • home contact will be initiated from the office
  • student may face additional consequences up to an out-of-school suspension


Dress Code

Scotia-Glenville students take pride in their appearance. Student dress must be in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Handbook.

All students are expected to present a neat appearance and be appropriately dressed during school hours and for school related activities. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. All District personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting.

A student’s dress, grooming and appearance, including hair, jewelry, make-up, and nails shall:

  1. Be safe and appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
  2. Not include extremely brief or see-through garments or garments that expose undergarments; oneshoulder/off the shoulder tops, midriff must be at belly button, shorts below apex of thigh.
    Ensure that undergarments/underwear are covered by outer clothing (visible waistbands and straps are not violations).
  3. Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
  4. Not include the wearing of hoods or other items which obscure the ears inside the school during the school day except for a medical or religious purpose, or for approved activities. Hats or head coverings that do not obscure the ears are acceptable. (This is a safety and educational issue: obscuring attention and awareness). Only one ear bud allowed in during hallway transitions. No ear buds permitted in classrooms unless teacher permission granted.
  5. Not include items that are vulgar, obscene or libelous or that denigrate others on account of race, color, weight, gender, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or disability in an expressed or implied manner. This would include confederate flags,swastikas, or any other images that may be considered hurtful, intimidating or deemed offensive by administrators.
  6. Not promote or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, illegal or legal drugs, or violent activities.
  7. Not denote or represent a gang affiliation such as bandanas, beads, jewelry, or other indicators and/or symbols intended expressly so.

Clothing of the nature mentioned above will be brought to the attention of the student and/or principal by the teacher and a solution to the problem will be reached:

  • Student may change or cover clothes.
  • Students may be sent home to change with permission from a parent or guardian.
  • Parent/guardian may be notified.

If the problem persists, parents/guardians will be contacted. Members of the Student Senate assume a leadership role in maintaining the intent of this Statement of Dress and, as such, may discuss guidelines with the principal on a yearly basis. If necessary, an agreement will be developed and announced to the student body at the beginning of the school year. Interpretation of the dress code will be at the discretion of the building administration.


Restroom Etiquette

We trust that all students will utilize the restroom in a timely manner. Restrooms are not to be used as common areas for loitering. Students may not bring food into or dispose of food in any of the restrooms within the building. Students found not discarding food properly (e.g. in restrooms, in a manner which causes significant mess, etc.) will be subject to disciplinary actions at the discretion of the building administration.

Restroom stalls are for single person use only. Multiple occupants in a single stall will result in consequences for all students occupying the same stall.

Restroom Vandalism

Any vandalism of restrooms including plumbing fixtures, dispensers, or other infrastructure, as well as flushing inappropriate objects will result in disciplinary action.


Third party food vendors and delivery services of food to students are not allowed at the high school.

Drugs, Alcohol, Chemical and Controlled Substances

The Scotia-Glenville High School takes a firm stand against drug, alcohol, chemical and other substance abuse by students in school and on school grounds, whether during the day or at after-school events. The possession, use or abuse of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes/vapes, drugs, chemicals, or any related illegal substances, on or within school district property is expressly forbidden.

Scotia-Glenville students must be aware that the prohibition regarding possession, use or abuse of these items extends to any school function–regardless of the location. A student may not possess, distribute, sell, use, or abuse these substances on school property or at a school function. Any student under the influence or appearing to be under the influence, of any of these substances will be subject to search.

A student found in possession of drugs, drug paraphernalia, marijuana, alcohol, chemicals or any related or illegal substances will be externally suspended from school for up to five days. Along with the external suspension, the student must attend a Superintendent’s Hearing whereupon an extended suspension may also be assigned. For drug, drug paraphernalia, chemical and illegal substance possession, the police will be notified, and action may be taken with probation or Family Court.

Consequences of Possession/Use/Abuse of Alcohol

Any student who is found to be possessing, using, abusing, selling, distributing or under the influence of alcohol (as determined by a school administrator) in school or while attending a school function, regardless of location, will be externally suspended from school, immediately, for up to five school days. A superintendent’s hearing will be held to determine if a student will receive an extended suspension. When a student has been found possessing, using, or abusing alcohol, the parent or guardian will be notified, and the parent or guardian will be asked to transport the student home.

A breath-screening device may be administered to a student with permission from a parent or guardian to help assist in the screening procedure. The results of these screenings will remain confidential between the student, parent/guardian, and administration.

Students suspended due to possession, use or abuse of alcohol will be referred to the Student Assistance Counselor upon his/her return to school from the suspension.

Drug, Chemical, and Substance Possession/Use/Abuse

Using, abusing, possessing, selling, distributing drugs, drug implements, chemicals, or other harmful substances, as well as being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, marijuana, chemicals or substances on school property or at any school function, regardless of the location, is expressly forbidden. The unauthorized possession of, and or inappropriate use or sharing of prescription medication, and over the counter drugs on school property or at any school function, regardless of the location, is expressly forbidden. Students may not possess drug implements even if the drug implements have not been used for the purpose of abusing drugs or any other controlled substance.

Consequences of Possession or Use of Drugs, Chemical, Substance and Drug Implements

All students should be aware that the use and abuse of drugs, chemicals and similar substances including the inappropriate use of prescription drugs could cause physical reactions similar to those which are the result of the use or abuse of alcohol. As a result, the same potential for a serious accident exists when individuals use drugs, chemicals, substances, or inappropriately use prescription drugs. Students should be aware that possession and/or use of drugs, chemicals or substances is a violation of New York State law. Anyone who possesses drugs, drug implements, chemicals, or similar substances in school, on school property, or at a school function, will be referred to the local police and will be subject to arrest in accordance with the laws of New York State. Students who are possessing, using, abusing, selling, distributing drugs, drug implements, chemicals, or substances, including the unauthorized possession and/or inappropriate use and sharing of prescription drugs or are found to be under the influence of drugs, chemicals or substances will be externally suspended from school immediately, for up to five school
days. A superintendent’s hearing will be held to determine if a student will receive an extended suspension. Students will be excluded from any club or extracurricular activities for 20 school days commencing with the date of suspension. Reinstatement will commence on the 21st school day.

Students suspended due to possession, use or abuse of drugs will be referred to the Student Assistance Counselor upon return to school from suspension.

All alcohol, tobacco/electronic cigarettes/vape, drug, marijuana, chemical or any related illegal substance use offenses are cumulative through one’s high school career.


Due Process

The amount of due process a student is entitled to receive before a penalty is imposed depends upon the penalty imposed and is detailed completely in the District Code of Conduct under “Discipline Procedures, Penalties, and Process.” In sum, due process requires that a student be given oral or written notice of the charges against him/her, and if he/she denies them, an explanation of the evidence the authorities have, and an opportunity to present his/her side of the story. It should be noted that there need not be a delay between the time notice is given and a hearing. The school administrator may informally discuss the alleged misconduct with the student minutes after it has occurred. In being given an opportunity to explain his/her version of the facts at this discussion, the student should first be told what he is accused of doing and what the basis of the accusation is.

In all cases, students whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or who present an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process may be immediately removed from school. In these cases, the necessary notice and hearing will follow as soon as is practical.

Students with disabling conditions are protected under the same rights as all students; however, in cases where a suspension affects the educational placement of a student with a disability, he/she is also protected by the due process procedures under the Commissioner’s Regulations, Part 200. See the District Code of Conduct “Discipline of Students with Disabilities.”

Electronic Devices/Listening Devices

Bringing electronic and communications devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, cameras, games, wearable devices, or MP3 players to school is discouraged unless such device is medically necessary. Students are responsible for the security of their electronic and listening devices. SGHS is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices or listening devices.

At SGHS, priority is given to provision of a teaching and learning environment that is free of distractions. Therefore, cell phones and electronic, listening, and wearable devices are strictly prohibited from being used during a student’s assigned instructional time. At a classroom teacher’s discretion, electronic devices may be used by students during instructional time, for academic purposes. The use of any cell phone/electronic device is strictly prohibited in the locker rooms and bathrooms at all times. Absolutely no charging of electronic devices is allowed in school.

A. Cell phones/Electronic devices:

During the instructional day (7:38 a.m. – 2:29 p.m.), cell phones may be used during the student’s lunch period in the B9/B10 cafeterias, during a study hall and in the hallways during class transition time ONLY. All cell phones/electronic devices should be put away before the student enters their academic classroom, unless allowed by the teacher for instructional purposes. Cell phones may not be used to make phone calls any time during the instructional day (7:38 a.m.-2:29 p.m.). Students are required to report to the main office in order to make a call during the instructional day. Proper, responsible, and acceptable use of cellphones must always be followed. Cell phones/electronic devices used for inappropriate communication or behavior will subject the student to disciplinary consequences as outlined in the Student Handbook. Students are expected to comply with any adult requests concerning improper use of cell phones/electronic devices. Failure to follow adult directives will result in student disciplinary consequences.

B. Listening Devices:

may be used during the student’s lunch period in the B9/B10 cafeterias and during a study hall. Students may use one earbud in the school hallways in between classes. All listening devices, including earbuds and headphones, should be put away before the student enters their academic classroom, unless allowed by the teacher for instructional purposes. Volume of music must be kept at a level that is audible only to the individual listener. Free-standing,wireless speakers may not be used in school at any time. Proper, responsible, and acceptable use of electronic listening devices must always be followed. Failure to follow adult directive will result in student disciplinary consequences.

Cell phones in class

First Offense: Teacher detention and phone call home. In addition, the student is responsible for class work and/or assignments missed because of absence.

Second Offense: Teacher phone call home, Referral to office, and two detentions will be assigned.
Additional Offenses: The student will be assigned in-school suspension, administration will contact parent/guardian, student will meet with administration, guidance counselor and/or parent/guardian as appropriate.

Students are expected to comply with any adult requests concerning improper use of cell phones/electronic devices. Failure to follow adult directive will result in student disciplinary consequences.

School administrators reserve the right to restrict a student’s cell phone usage and/or confiscate a cell phone for serious or repeated infractions of the policy. Refusal to turn over any item to a school administrator may result in the student being assigned a disciplinary consequence including detention, internal suspension, or external suspension.


C.   Images and Video:

Students are prohibited from taking images (either still or video) that are not being used for academic purposes. Pictures/videos taken without consent from the individual depicted in the image (student or staff) or without permission of a school employee may be subject to disciplinary consequences. If any images are used in a negative manner either in-person or through any mode of communication (picture sharing, email, message page, etc. ) the student may be assigned an external suspension. In such cases, the school may notify the police and additional charges may be applicable.

D. Cell phone use will not be permitted in the Main Office when students are sent out of class for behavior. Students will be required to put their cell phones in the safe container hosted by the Main Office Secretary. Students may retrieve their cell phone when they are dismissed from the Main Office.


Scotia-Glenville students should be able to come to school and participate in classes and other school-related activities without the threat of physical assault. Students who threaten or become involved in fighting in school or on the school campus will be subject to disciplinary action. Any student or students guilty of assault upon another person in or on school property will be suspended and may be subject to charges of assault or assault and battery.

Students involved in promoting or encouraging fighting or physical assaults between other students will be subject to disciplinary action. A student who has prior knowledge of, or who observes a fight or physical assault, and does not notify school authorities may be considered to have promoted or encouraged the incident. The disciplinary action may include suspension from school or in-school suspension, as may be appropriate.

Fireworks and Arson

The possession or use of fireworks is illegal in New York State. Students using or found in possession of fireworks may be suspended from school for up to five days. Individuals are also subject to arrest. Students involved with arson—whether it is through the use or as a result of using fireworks or not– are subject to suspension from school and may be subject to arrest.


During non-instructional time, food must be consumed by students in the cafeteria-this includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks from the vending machines. Classroom teachers have the discretion to allow their students to eat/drink within their rooms under the rules/guidelines provided by that specific teacher. Cleanliness and respect for school rules and property are expected with this Teacher/Classroom privilege. Any special circumstance that a student may have should be discussed with the teacher for further follow-up with the nurse or the office.


Any student who is found guilty of forging or altering any pass/excuse, who is in possession of forged/altered materials, or attempts to assume another’s identity may be subject to detention or in-school suspension.



Card playing, dice and other forms of gambling are not permitted on school grounds.

In-School Suspension (ISS) Policy

In-school suspension begins at 10:48 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Failure to report promptly at 10:48 a.m. will result in further disciplinary measures. Students who fail to report, have left without permission, and/or have been removed from in-school suspension will be externally suspended for up to five days.

The following rules apply:

  • You will arrive to the ISS room with any and all materials necessary for the day. You will not be allowed to go to your lockers, the cafeteria, or any other area during the in-school suspension. Student work will be gathered from the teachers and distributed to the students by the in-school suspension supervisor on the day of the in-school suspension.
  • The in-school suspension session is a daylong, silent work/study time. You are required to complete all schoolwork for the day and to spend the time in quiet study.
  • If you work rapidly, you will need to bring reading material to the in-school suspension room. Acceptable reading material includes novels and other works of fiction, nonfiction,and biographical materials. Newspapers and magazines are not acceptable and are not to be brought to the in-school suspension room.
  • You are not to talk to others in the room. The supervisor on duty will answer questions when appropriate. Eating, drinking, and sleeping are not permitted. You are not allowed to listen to music or possess IPOD’s, PDA’s, cell phones, etc., while in the in-school suspension room. Students will be reminded of the electronic device rules for ISS at the beginning of the ISS day. If students are in possession of electronic devices, they will be asked to turn over the devices to the ISS teacher for the duration of ISS.
  • There will be two bathroom breaks during the ISS period. You will be given a lunch break.
    The supervisor will take students to the cafeteria to purchase lunches and the students will return to the ISS room where they will eat lunch. You will be required to pick up after yourself. Any littering of the room will result in further disciplinary measures.
  • Students will be warned about behaviors that are not acceptable in in-school suspension. Ifa student does not follow the in-school suspension rules, he or she will be assigned additional in-school suspensions or may be externally suspended. A student found to be truant on a day he or she is scheduled for in-school suspension will be suspended from school and assigned additional in-school suspensions.
  • All rules and regulations applicable to the regular school day are in force during the period of a student’s in-school suspension. Misbehavior in the in-school suspension room will not be tolerated. A referral from the in-school suspension supervisor could result in an external suspension of up to five days.
  • Students who leave in-school suspension without permission will be subject to external suspension.



Students will be subject to disciplinary action, (loss of privileges, detention, ISS, OSS, etc.) when they engage in insubordinate conduct. Insubordinate conduct includes but is not limited to failure to comply with reasonable directions of teachers and school personnel, leaving school without permission, failure to attend detention, and expressions or gestures of disrespect including use of profanity and degrading, offensive language, or otherwise demonstrating disrespect.


Inappropriate/Offensive language (such as but not limited to swearing, racial and/or remarks about sexual orientation, etc.), will not be tolerated and consequences for such action will result in student disciplinary consequences including detention, internal suspension, or external suspension.

Lunch Period

Students are expected to follow the lunch schedule as established and to obey the instructions of lunchroom supervisors. Students must return trays, eating utensils, and food debris to designated places. Students are to eat in designated lunch areas.


All lending, borrowing, or giving of money is discouraged. Any requests or demands for money or valuables should be reported immediately to an adult in charge.

Public Displays of Affection

Excessive public displays of affection–outside of hand-holding–are not appropriate anywhere on school property and are subject to disciplinary actions.



The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools, principals, or designees, the school nurse and district security officials to conduct searches of students and their belongings if the authorized school official has a reasonable suspicion that the search will result in evidence that the student violated the law or the District Code of Conduct. See the District Code of Conduct for complete procedures.


Lockers, desks, and other such storage spaces remain the exclusive property of the school and for student use. Students shall have no expectation of privacy with respect to these areas. Locker searches may be conducted without the student’s knowledge or permission. Students should be aware that New York State courts have recognized that the preservation of the health and safety of students, as well as the effort to keep order in the schools, may require the search of a student’s locker.

Personal Search

If the principal or his/her designee determines that there is reason to believe that a student is in possession of drugs, drug implements, a controlled substance, a weapon, stolen property or contraband of any description, then the student believed to be in possession may be subjected to a personal search. Searches that are personal in nature include the examination of a student’s backpack, wallet, and/or purse. A student may be directed to turn out pockets and remove shoes.

Complete Personal Search

The Board of Education has authorized the principal or designee to direct a complete personal search of a student in accordance with district guidelines. The principal or designee will notify parents/guardians and outline the reason(s) for the search. Parents or guardians and law enforcement officials will ordinarily be involved if a complete personal search is warranted.


Smoking Policy

In accordance with State and Federal law, use and/or possession of tobacco, tobacco related products and smoking paraphernalia, including E-cigarettes and “vape” paraphernalia, is prohibited on school property, school grounds and school functions. A student is in violation of the smoking policy if found smoking; holding a lit cigarette/vape; possessing tobacco, including smokeless products; possessing smoking paraphernalia such as a cigarette lighter, matches, packaging, containers, etc.; and possessing E-cigarette or “vape” paraphernalia. Tobacco products should not be brought to school. Students should expect them to be confiscated. Students should be aware that building administrators or their designee has the right by law to search students and/or lockers, cars, or personal possessions when there is reasonable suspicion of a violation. (SGCSD BOE policy: 7/25/2016)

Scotia-Glenville High School is making a concerted effort to ensure that smoking does not occur on school grounds. The components of such an effort would include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • student handbook
  • announcements during sports events, concerts and other similar activities
  • posting of signs where appropriate
  • disciplinary actions against student violations

First violation:        
The student is assigned two (2) days of In-School Suspension.
Parent or guardian will be notified.

Second violation:                 
The student is externally suspended for three (3) days.
Parent or guardian will be notified.

Subsequent violations:         
The student is externally suspended for five (5) days with a possible Superintendent Hearing. In addition, the parent or guardian is required to meet with a school administrator before the student is allowed to return to regular classes.

All smoking and/or tobacco/electronic cigarettes/vape use offenses are cumulative through one’s high school career.


Students with Disabilities

The Individual Education Plan of each disabled student is reviewed annually by the Committee on Special Education (CSE). A student with a disability is expected to comply with the District Code of Conduct and the outlined behavior and disciplinary measures in this handbook. However, it is possible that a disabled student may not, as a result of a violation of the code, be subjected to the usual disciplinary procedures if the CSE determines that the behavior is a result of the disability.

A disabled student’s guidance counselor and special education teacher or related service provider, in conjunction with the dean and/or the principal, will jointly decide if the student’s conduct constitutes a reason for referral to the CSE prior to the annual review. For all disabled students, however, a referral to the CSE for a manifestation determination must be made once a total of ten (10) days of suspension has been reached. See the District Code of Conduct “Discipline o fStudents with Disabilities” for further guidance.


Each student is given every opportunity to have access to school computers and other resources. Any student who uses this equipment inappropriately may be subject to removal of privileges, school detention, in-school suspension, external suspension, or legal action if necessary.

Acceptable Use of Technology

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District electronic telecommunications network provides vast, diverse, and unique resources for district users. Our goal in providing this service to teachers, staff and students is to promote educational excellence in the Scotia-Glenville School District by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of the Scotia-Glenville School Central School District’s computer and telecommunications resources by its employees and all persons having access to such resources.

The value of Internet access as an educational tool is immeasurable. The Internet provides users with the ability to communicate world-wide as well as access to a wide variety of information in the form of data, text, graphics, photographs, video, and sound. Internet use will provide users the ability to access and exchange information from a variety of resources, which will enrich the Technology educational process within the District. The user must realize that some material accessible via the Internet contains items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. Internet use is a privilege, not a right and as such users are responsible for their behavior and communication while utilizing this service. Users have the responsibility to use the District’s Internet access and other telecommunication resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

Computer and telecommunication resources and services include the following: file servers, desktop computers, workstations, laptops, software, Internet, intranet, commercial on-line services, bulletin board systems, e-mail services, internal and external communication networks which include fax machines, telephones, pagers, 2-way radios, PDA’s and other telecommunication devices are provided by the District as resources to assist teachers and staff in the performance of their jobs. Computers and telecommunications systems belong to the Scotia-Glenville Central School District and should only be used for the fundamental purpose of the District as set forth in the District Guide. Users should not have the expectancy of privacy in anything they create, send, or receive on the District’s computer of any other telecommunication resource. (The term “User”, as utilized in this policy, refers to all employees, independent contractors, and other persons using or having access to the Scotia-Glenville Central School District computers and telecommunication resources.)

Users are not permitted to attach any personal computing devices to the network. Examples include but are not limited to computers (workstations and/or laptops), PDA’s, etc. Users are welcome to use these devices offline during or after the school day. Should a user wish to donate the equipment to the District, it will be considered as long as it meets current donation criteria and will be placed in service as needed. Technical staff will not be able to support any personal equipment. Transfer of files may be done through a variety of methods including e-mail, floppy disks, CD’s and Flash drives. The District will make reasonable efforts to insure the integrity of the data being transferred.

Users must comply with all State and Federal laws governing telecommunications and other guidelines set forth by this document and the Scotia-Glenville Central School District Code of Conduct. If a district employee violates the acceptable use provisions outlined in this document, his/her access to the Internet (network resources) may be denied. Users should also be aware that some violations constitute a criminal offense and may result in legal action or other District disciplinary actions as set forth in the appropriate contract provisions.

The Superintendent of Schools will establish guidelines for acceptable use of technology by all users in the Scotia-Glenville Central School District.


Internet User Guidelines

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides students and staff (users) with access to the Internet as a learning tool. This electronic communications network gives users an opportunity to explore a diverse and unique pool of information. Utilizing this network in a school setting allows users of all ages to research information related to their classes, participate in innovative educational projects, and develop personal skills needed to communicate with others in the global community.

The students and staff utilize the internet as an instructional tool in grades K-12. The following list highlights examples of the current internet usage in our schools:

  • Searching for information to support research projects for classes
  • Collecting and analyzing information for exchanges with other classes
  • Evaluating web sites for accuracy of content and bias
  • Utilizing interactive simulations
  • Participating in enrichment activities
  • Researching current events and developments

The staff guides and supports students in developing skills and behaviors needed to properly use the Internet. In addition to staff supervision, the school district network is equipped with software directed at preventing students from accessing illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive resources. However, the content of the Internet changes on a daily basis and, even with these safeguards, by chance or determination a user may be exposed to inaccurate or inappropriate information.

Students, parents, guardians, staff, and administrators must form a partnership to promote responsible educational use of the Internet. Federal and State laws as well as Scotia-Glenville Board of Education policies outline the responsibility and govern the appropriate use of the Internet and the school district network. Scotia-Glenville staff will teach and clarify appropriate use standards to students.

If a user violates acceptable use of the Internet by engaging in any of the following actions, he or she will face consequences as outlined in this handbook and the district code of conduct.

  • Sending or receiving offensive language or graphics
  • Violating copyright laws
  • Utilizing another user’s password
  • Attempting to harm or destroy the equipment or data of any user or organization
  • Posting defamatory or slanderous statements
  • Engaging in unauthorized access of data or transfer of files
  • Using Internet access for non-educational purposes.

Internet access is an important privilege to aid in the educational process and to help prepare our students for their roles in the 21st century. It is our intention to provide this access for all of our students unless a parent or guardian indicates he or she would rather their child[ren] not have this opportunity. (In that case, parents/guardians should send the principal a short letter indicating that his/her child should not have Internet access during this school year).

●     Electronic Devices: Students using personal mobile devices will access district’s wireless network through the guest connection for school related purposes. Students are responsible for the security and technical service of their own devices. Fees incurred while using district’s wireless guest network are the responsibility of the student.

●     Electronic Devices: Students should not take photos, videos, or audio recordings of other students, teachers, or any staff member at school unless required for school assignments. Students who choose to take photos, videos, or audio recordings without permission from others (students or staff) will receive an appropriate consequence.


Web Publishing Guidelines

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District (SGCSD) provides web server access and server space to individual schools within the district, academic departments, and teachers for maintaining web pages. School district sponsored web pages will serve one or more of the following purposes:

  • to enhance teaching by providing information that supports classroom instruction and relates to the curriculum
  • to inform the community of school-related information and events
  • to highlight instructional programs
  • to showcase student achievement in the classroom and in extracurricular activities
  • to  support  extracurricular  activities  (sports,  clubs,  and  student  organizations) through posting relevant information that increases visibility and participation

Contributors to the SGCSD web pages may include administrators, faculty, and staff who have a district e-mail account. Students may also participate on a web site development team sponsored by a staff member. The sponsoring staff member is responsible for ensuring that any site produced with student collaboration adheres to the subject and content standards described below. The sponsoring staff member is directly responsible for posting the information to the web server.

Subject Matter

All subject matter on Scotia-Glenville School District web pages and their immediate links must relate to curriculum and instruction, school-authorized activities, or information about SGCSD or its mission. Staff or student work may be published only as it relates to a class project, course, or other school related activity. Faculty, staff, and students may not use the district web server to host personal non-academic pages and may not provide links to personal non-academic pages on other servers.

Content Standards

The content of all pages will adhere to the Copyright Laws of the United States (see United States Government Copyright Office, Library of Congress website at http://www.loc.gov/copyright). Web designers will give credit for text and graphics gleaned from other sources using appropriate citation styles.

Text, image, movie, or sound that contains pornography, profanity, obscenity, or language that offends or tends to degrade others will not be permitted. Communication regarding the content of web pages should be addressed to the Webmaster. Staff posting content should provide their district e-mail links on their respective pages. Site creators are responsible for responding to e-mail inquiries concerning their web pages in a timely manner.

Use of Student Images, Names, and Work (Intellectual Property) in Online Content

Parents and guardians will annually receive the opportunity to decline the online placement of their child’s likeness, name in any form, and/or student-produced work. To decline placement, parents and guardians should send a written request to their child’s school principal. Web page designers will make every effort to comply with requests from parents and guardians.

Personal information about a student is not allowed on web pages. This information includes home telephone numbers, street, or e-mail addresses, or information regarding the specific location of any student at any given time.

Students enrolled in special education programs will never be identified as a participant in a special education program.


Photographs of students may be added to web pages as related to the Statement of Purpose unless parents or guardians submit a written request to a school principal. See section below on identification of students in images, movies, and sound recordings.


Students’ photographs and their work may only be identified by first name, or where that is not enough, first name and last initial. Identification beyond this point is not allowed. Individuals in movies or sound recordings may not be specifically identified in any fashion.

Student Work (Intellectual Property)

Student work may be added to web pages as indicated in the Statement of Purpose unless parents and guardians submit a written request to a school principal. Student work includes any form of learning produced by students, either at home or in school. Examples of student work include, but are not limited to, the following: digital photographs of art projects, literary products, media presentations, sound recordings, and reports.

Student e-mail addresses may not be published. Staff e-mail addresses may only be published with the permission of the individual.



Scotia-Glenville students who become involved in the theft of school, teacher or student property will be subject to disciplinary action. This disciplinary action will be up to five days of out-of-school suspension. In addition, all cases of theft will be reported to police authorities. Students involved in this kind of activity are subject to arrest. Students are encouraged to keep all valuables in a secure place.


All valuables should be left at home. When it becomes necessary for a valuable item to be brought to school, the student is responsible for its security. The school is not responsible for stolen and/or damaged items.


The possession of an object which is or appears to be a weapon, or can be used as a weapon, is forbidden. Violators will be subject to search, disciplinary action, and arrest.

No student shall have in his or her possession upon any school premises any firearm–as defined by Federal Law–knife, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any object which could be used as a weapon, and which is not necessary for school activities. In accordance with the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994, after a hearing has been provided pursuant to Section 3214 of the Education Law, a student found guilty of bringing a firearm onto school property will be subject to at least a one-year suspension from school. The penalty may be reviewed and possibly modified by the Superintendent of Schools on a case-by-case basis. (Policy No. 5312.2 adopted by Board of Education 8/8/94.)