Middle School Dress Guidelines

You Are What You Wear

A guide to Dressing for Success at Scotia-Glenville Middle School

What seems like an age-old idea to adults – that you are judged by what you wear – seems elusive to some students. That is especially true in the seemingly- turbulent, hormone-filled, peer-pressured Middle School years.

At the request of many parents, Scotia-Glenville Middle School has developed Scotia-Glenville Middle School has developed guidelines to assist you as you help your child dress for success at school and beyond.

Dress Code Violations

We know that parents want to help their children dress for success at the Middle School. That is why we brought these issues to your attention and asked for your help.

These clothing expectations apply to ALL school events and activities.

For example, the Student Council’s winter and spring dances are theme dances. Students should wear clothing similar to what they would wear when going to dinner with their parents or to a nice occasion.

Students are NOT permitted to wear blue jeans, t-shirts, shorts or hats. Semi-formal clothing is also discouraged. A collared shirt, turtleneck or nice sweater and khakis or dress pants for boys are recommended.

Shoes are to be worn and NOT to be taken off at any time during any dances.

Modifications, at the discretion of the administra- tor, may be appropriate in light of the nature of the event or activity.

Administrators may also determine that attire not specifically discussed in these expectations doesn’t comply with the general standard.

As adults understand and children learn, there are consequences for those who flagrantly violate the dress code.

Scotia-Glenville’s dress code states that “students who violate the dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item, and if necessary or practical, re- placing it with an acceptable item.”

Refusal or repeated violations may result in after-school detention or in-school suspension.

We hope that will not be necessary. If we work together, we will help our children learn to dress for success – starting at the Middle School.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the Middle School office, (518) 347-3600, ext. 51100.

Thank you for your assistance.

This brochure clarifies the Student Dress Code by providing examples of clothing, jewelry, footwear, etc. that would be viewed as a violation of the code by school administrators.

Students who are dressed appropriately are better able to learn, don’t become distracted, avoid unsafe situations and are generally happier and more successful as they maneuver through these challenging years of their lives. That leads to a better school for everybody.

We hope parents will rely on these guidelines when shopping for school clothes and talking to their children about their appearances.

We know it is difficult to enforce appropriate clothing standards with your child when stores and television promote otherwise. Our goal is to assist families as they search for attire that is in their best interests.

The old adage is still true today: you are judged by how you look. That first impression only happens once. Help us at Scotia-Glenville Middle School make sure that your child’s first impression is the very best it can be.

School is a child’s first work world

Most of these guidelines make sense in the day-to-day work world in which we all live. Think about what you would think if your fellow employees came to work dressed wearing some of the items listed below.
At Scotia-Glenville Middle School, these items may NOT be worn in school:

  • Sunglasses;
  • Hats, bandanas, headbands, hoods and other headgear, except when worn for
    medical or religious reasons;
  • Coats and jackets designed as outerwear;
    These should be locked in student lockers and not worn during the school day.
  • Jeans that:
    • lace up the leg beyond mid-thigh;
    • have straps or chains hanging off them.
  • Jewelry that creates a safety hazard including:
    • jewelry with sharp edges;
    • chains, leashes, or dog/cat collars;
    • studs, spikes and safety pins;
    • wallets on chains.
  • Footwear that presents a safety hazard, such as bedroom slippers or excessively high heeled or
    platform shoes. Footwear must be worn at all times. Students should wear footwear that allows them to walk comfortably throughout
    the building and to move quickly in response to an emergency.
  • Pants, shorts and skirts that are worn in a way to make undergarments visible or too revealing.
    It is recommended that very short skirts or shorts either not be worn or worn with leggings underneath them.
  • Shirts, blouses and tops must completely cover the torso at all
    times, even when seated.
    These do not meet that standard:
    • low cut or off- the-shoulder shirts, blouses or tops;
    • shirts, blouses or tops that expose any
    cleavage or underwear; or
    • spaghetti straps, halters, backless and strapless tops, camisoles and tank tops with low or oversized arm openings.
  • Any clothing, grooming, jewelry, accessory, or body adornment which contains advertisements, symbols, words, slogans, patches or pictures that:
    • refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons of any kind;
    • contain references or messages of a sexual nature,
    including trademarks that promote sex (e.g.Playboy attire);
    • are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd or libelous;
    • threaten the safety and welfare of any person;
    • promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct.