Community Use of School Facilities

All facilities may be scheduled through the ML Schedules platform.

Annually the policy governing use of school facilities is reviewed and the associated fee schedule is revised, if necessary, to reflect a current district costs to provide services to community groups.   This year we adjusted fees to more accurately align with the actual cost of custodial, audio-visual technician and student pay, all other fees will remain the same.

Attached are the revised fee schedules and regulations governing use of facilities.

Contact the business office for specific questions about building use – 518-347-3600, ext. 7300.

Fee schedule

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF version of the 2024-25 fee schedule


    • CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS III: Custodial fee +$75
    • CLASS IV: Custodial fee +$125

    Main Gym-High School

    • CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$300
    • CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$500

    All Other Gymnasiums

    • CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    • CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$200
    • CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$300

    High School/Middle School

    CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$400
    CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$600

    Cafeteria Kitchen:

    CLASS I: Custodial fee**+lunch person***
    CLASS II: Custodial fee**+lunch person***
    CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$200 + lunch person***
    CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$350 + lunch person***

    Varsity Turf Field

    CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$300
    CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$500

    High School and Middle School Fields

    CLASS I: Custodial fee**
    CLASS II: Custodial fee**
    CLASS III: Custodial fee**+$300
    CLASS IV: Custodial fee**+$500

    * – Except for special public functions and when district is required to assign additional hours.

    ** – If extra time is assigned

    *** Kitchen use that involves the use of cooking equipment which requires food service personnel.

    (1)    Custodial Fee:

    Straight Time:

    • Class I and II: $37.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $45.00/hr.


    • Class I and II: $56.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $68.00/hr.

    (2)    Lunch Personnel Fee (All Overtime)

    • Class I and II: $23.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $34.00/hr.

    (3)    Stagehands, Projectionists (Students)

    • Class I and II: $16.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $17.50/hr.

    (4)    Audiovisual Technician (non-student)


    • Class I and II: $40.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $56.00/hr.


    • Class I and II: $60.00/hr.
    • Class III and IV: $84.00/hr.

    (5)    Police Service (3 hour minimum)  Rates established by Town of Glenville. (Billable at actual rate at time of usage))

    (6)    Organizations in all classes must provide liability insurance (minimum of $1 million) when function is open to public.

    (7)    Coffee service at a charge or loan of coffee making equipment may be arranged.

    (8)    Fee Schedule subject to revision on an annual basis.

    (9)    District may request accounting of revenue received by organizations and may require a statement of donation being received by the charitable organization listed on the accounting.

    (10) Organizations in all classes must abide by all policies and procedures for facilities use, including, but not limited to:

    1.  Announce that no smoking is allowed in or on school properties.

    2.  Announce evacuation procedures in case of fire alarms.

    These procedures must be followed at each event and must be enforced by the organization.  Failure is grounds for future denial for facility use.


    It is the intent of the Board of Education that all facilities in the Scotia-Glenville Central School District be made available to organizations within the community that have need for the facility, with availability subject to the provisions of Section 414 of the Education Law. After school use of school facilities shall be limited to social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainments that pertain directly to the welfare of the community-at-large. The proceeds from any such function where admission fees are charged shall be expended for an educational or charitable purpose. The proceeds from admissions to any event held in the schools may not be applied directly to the benefit of the organization sponsoring the affair unless that organization be a Veterans’ or Volunteer Firemen’s Organization.

    School grounds should be made available for such “free play” as is deemed normal under neighborhood or family living conditions subject only to the control necessary for the safety of individuals. In recognition of the rights of home owners living adjacent to school properties as well as for the protection of school facilities and grounds, the use of such facilities and grounds for activities which may be dangerous, disturbing or destructive should be regulated.

    Public school facilities should be available for any legitimate public program that is not inconsistent with the school program, does not interfere with the regular operation of the school and is not prohibited by statute.  The responsibility for definite approval of any after school use of school facilities, and establishment of such rules and regulations as are necessary lies with the Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Education retains the right to make final decisions on special cases not covered in this general policy.

    Revision Approved by Board of Education:  11/14/91