Additional information for Facebook users

Please Read Before Commenting on our Facebook Page

The district welcomes our community to comment on our Facebook page but to ensure a meaningful dialogue that is relevant and respectful, we ask you to please follow these guidelines.

  • Be respectful. Personal attacks or derogatory comments aimed at specific individuals, employees or students are not permitted. Do not make comments that goad others or pick fights.
  • Be polite. Avoid language that is abusive or inappropriate, including remarks that are racist, sexist, sexually explicit or obscene. Profanity is not allowed.
  • Be relevant. Please keep the conversation related to the topic at hand. Do not post comments that advertise or promote a product or service. Spam and commercial advertisements will be deleted. In addition, please do not use the Scotia-Glenville CSD Facebook page in place of standard communication practices, such as contacting your school principal to share personal issues and concerns.
  • Be factual. Blatantly inaccurate, libelous or false information may be removed.

Please note that all comment postings are at the discretion of the page administrator. Please be certain that your comments are appropriate for an educational environment and for fans of all ages. The page administrator reserves the right to remove comments, not to limit criticism, but to protect the privacy and rights of staff and students. Thank you.

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