“I Can” Statements – Grade 2

“I Can” Common Core!   

 Grade 2 Reading

I Can Read Fiction

  • I can tell who, what, where, when, why and how after reading stories. 2.1
  • I can make connections to what I read. RL.2.11a
  • I can retell a story. 2.2
  • I can tell how the characters in a story respond to parts in a story. 2.3

I Can Read Nonfiction

  • I can tell who, what, where, when, why and how after reading nonfiction. 2.1
  • I can find the main idea in a section of nonfiction. 2.2
  • I can tell how events in history are connected. 2.3
  • I can understand science steps and ideas in nonfiction. 2.3

I Can Understand Fiction

  • I can understand how words in a story can sound like music. 2.4
  • I can find and understand the beginning, middle and end of a story. 2.5
  • I can tell about the points of view of different characters. 2.6

I Can Understand Nonfiction

  • I can understand words in nonfiction. 2.4
  • I can use text features to help me understand nonfiction. 2.5
  • I can understand what the author is trying to teach me. 2.6

I Can Use What I Know To Understand Fiction

  • I can use words and pictures to help me tell about the characters, setting and plot. 2.7
  • I can compare and contrast what characters do in a story. 2.9

I Can Understand Nonfiction

  • I can use diagrams and pictures to help me understand nonfiction. 2.7
  • I can find reasons to support the main idea of nonfiction. 2.8
  • I can compare and contrast the main idea of two nonfiction texts. 2.9.

I Can Read and Understand Second Grade Fiction  RL.2.10

I Can Read and Understand Second Grade Nonfiction  RI.2.10

I Can Use Phonics  to Help Me Read Words

  • I know the difference between long and short vowels. 2.3
  • I can read second grade words. 2.3
  • I can read prefixes and suffixes. 2.3
  • I know how to spell second grade words. 2.3

I Can Read Fluently

  • I can read with expression. 2.4
  • I can read accurately. 2.4
  • I can reread to understand what words mean. 2.4

 Grade 2 Writing

I Can Write Different Types of Writing

  • I can write to persuade. 2.1
  • I can write to teach. 2.2
  • I can write to tell a story. 2.3

I Can Make My Writing Better

  • I can revise and edit my writing. 2.5
  • I can publish my writing. 2.6

I Can Use Research to Help My Writing

  • I can record what I find when reading. 2.7
  • I can work   with a partner to research. 2.7
  • I can record science observations. 2.7
  • I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question. 2.8
  • I can interview people to answer a question. 2.8

I Can Write to Respond to a Text or Story W.2.11

 Grade 2 Language

I Can Use Proper English When I Write and Speak

  • I can use collective nouns. 2.1 (a group of people, a pride of lions)
  • I can use plural nouns. 2.1
  • I can use reflexive pronouns. 2.1 (himself, myself, ourselves)
  • I can use irregular verbs. 2.1 (sat, hid, told)
  • I can use adjectives and adverbs correctly. 2.1
  • I can write complete second grade sentences. 2.1
  • I can join two sentences together. (compound sentences.) 2.1
  • I can capitalize proper nouns. 2.2
  • I can use commas in greetings and closings of letters. 2.2
  • I can use apostrophes in contractions. 2.2
  • I can us apostrophes in possessives. 2.2
  • I can use spelling patterns when writing words. 2.2
  • I can use a dictionary to check and correct spelling. 2.2

I Can Use What I Know About Language in Different Situations

  • I can write, speak, read and listen by using what I know. 2.3
  • I can compare formal and informal uses of English. 2.
  • I can use context clues to help me understand a new word or words. 2.4
  • I can use prefixes to help me learn new words. 2.4
  • I can use root words to help me learn new words. 2.4
  • I can use small words to help me learn compound words. 2.4
  • I can use dictionaries and glossaries to help me understand new words. 2.4
  • I can use my senses to help me describe things… L.2.5
  • I can tell the difference between similar verbs. 2.5
  • I can use adjectives to describe nouns. 2.6
  • I can use adverbs to describe verbs. 2.6

 Grade 2 Math

I Can Use Addition and Subtraction to Help Me Understand Math

  • I can use strategies to solve addition word problems. OA.1
  • I can use strategies to solve subtraction word problems. 2.OA.1
  • I know my addition facts. OA.2
  • I know my subtraction facts. OA.2
  • I can group objects to tell if a number is odd or even. OA.3
  • I can use repeated addition to help me understand multiplication. OA.4

I Can Use Number Sense and Place Value to Help Me Understand Math

  • I can understand and use hundreds, tens and ones. NBT.1
  • I can count to 1,000 using 1s, 5s, 10s and 100s. NBT.2
  • I can read and write numbers to 1,000 in different ways. NBT.3
  • I can compare three-digit numbers using <, =, and >. NBT.4
  • I can add and subtract three-digit numbers. NBT.5
  • I can add more than two big numbers. NBT.6
  • I can add and subtract with regrouping. NBT.7
  • I can add and subtract tens and hundreds in my head. NBT.8
  • I can explain why I need to use addition or subtraction to help me solve problems. NBT.9

I Can Use Measurements and Data to Help Me Understand Math

  • I can use different tools to measure objects. MD.1
  • I can compare the length of an object using two different units of measurement. MD.2
  • I can estimate the lengths of objects. MD.3
  • I can compare the length of two different objects. MD.4
  • I can use addition and subtraction to solve measurement problems. MD.5
  • I can make and use a number line. MD.6
  • I can tell time to five minutes. MD.7
  • I can understand a.m. and p.m. MD.7
  • I can count money to help me solve word problems. MD.8
  • I can make a table to organize data. MD.9
  • I can use a table to make a line plot. MD.9
  • I can make a graph. MD.10

I Can Use Geometry to Help Me Understand Math

  • I can name and draw shapes. G.1
    (I know triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes.)
  • I can find the area of a rectangle. G.2
  • I can use fractions to describe the equal parts of a shape. G.3

 Grade 2 Speaking & Listening

I Can Understand and Talk About What I Hear

  • I can follow rules for discussions. 2.1
  • I can participate in conversations with others. 2.1
  • I can ask questions during discussions. 2.1
  • I can tell about the key ideas and details after I listen or read. 2.2
  • I can ask and answer a question about what a speaker says. 2.3

I Can Share What I Know

  • I can tell a story aloud. 2.4
  • I can record what I am reading out loud. 2.5
  • I can draw to share what I am reading or have done. 2.5
  • I can answer questions out loud in complete sentences. 2.6